On location photoshoots : how to kill the ambient light part I
Locations are awesome
But what if they are not? Well, it’s up to you to make them awesome.
Sounds difficult?
Well, it can be, but with the proper lighting and lighting techniques you can create stunning images in locations that are far from awesome. Killing the ambient light is one of those techniques.
Workshop “On location in Emmeloord”
During this workshop, we scout locations close to our studio that look uninteresting but have the potential to become awesome. This is a great workshop to get more secure when working for clients in locations that are a bit less inspiring (or in other words 50% of the time).
During the workshop, I explain the techniques but also tried to create something different in each location.
For this workshop the model was Nadine, and as you can probably see she’s is pregnant so that was a great option to also shoot some pregnancy shots of course.
Today one of the sets from this workshop.
I’m using our Geekoto strobes on HSS in this video.
And, the final results

We took this picture during a sunny day and killed the ambient light
Killing the ambient light is also called Day to Night (Day2Night). Pictures are taken during the daytime. But it looks like it was taken at night. A lot of my students are interested in this technique. And I always try to incorporate such a scene in the workshop outside.
In this video I went to Times Square in New York, and I’ll give you some tips to look like you took the pictures at night
Check out another video on location with Nadine ad styling of course
We also did a workshop outside with a Tesla car and model Lois