Frank Doorhofs (1971) grandparents had a dark room and Frank loved to watch the roles develop, colour and of course black and white. His (grand) parents were early adaptors, the first in the street with a television set but they also loved using a film camera and a slide projector to watch the slides they made on family holidays. It was always very visual based.

When Frank got older, he started as an entrepreneur in personal computers: repairing and selling computers when it was still unusual to have one at home. Internet wasn’t born yet and businesses encouraged their employees to get digital, subsidized by the government. He and his high school sweetheart Annewiek built a great company.

The digital era started also with digital cameras! So Frank was triggered to try the first digital Kodak cameras and one thing lead to another. He used his experience as a guitar teacher to organize a model photography workshop for some photo enthusiasts.

Thanks to the computer company he made his first instructional video on DVD in Dutch and English. He has now more than 15 titles about model photography but also about Street & Travel photography, and of course now a days all the videos are available as digital downloads. But it doesn’t stop there, people love Frank’s looks in his images so he also worked very hard to release preset packs for most RAW convertors like Capture One, Lightroom, DxO, Luminar etc. And these are the real presets he uses himself.

His talent for explaining light was noticed by a few companies who invited him in tradeshows like PhotoshopWorld, FotoFair, PhotoDays, Photokina, The Photography Show, the Dutch Professional Imaging and many more.  Nowadays he teaches workshops worldwide and twice a week in his own studio in Emmeloord (one-hour drive north of Amsterdam). Because not everyone shoots inside a studio he also often organises workshops at great locations, like castles, museums (trains or planes) and urbex locations.

In 2013 Scott Kelby asked him to join Kelbytraining (now Kelbyone) as the first European instructor. Mr Kelby helped him write the bestseller “Mastering the Model Shoot”. Translated into Chinese, traditional Chinese, Czech and finally also in Dutch in 2017. This was a good successor of Franks first Dutch book “De Magie van de Kleine Flitser (“the magic of small flash”). Frank also filmed a lot of classes for KelbyONE and still delivers classes regularly for the platform, among them classes about motion and movement, location and outside model photography. The computer company was eventually sold due to travelling and because both Frank and Annewiek wanted to focus more on photography and teaching.

In 2019 Frank wrote “Fotograferen in elke Situatie “. On how to take kick-ass shots in every location, big or small complete with tips and tricks on how to build your (home) studio and photography business. Of course, a big part is about lighting. Franks motto is “Why fake it when you can create it” so why use Photoshop when you shoot it right in camera.

He also recorded several tutorials for the Dutch academy about control your lighting for photoshoots. His videos are for sale on a lot of platforms like skillshare, Udemy, KelbyOne, Photofacts and even including some narrated on the Chinese education site HUKE88


A lot of celebrities like to work with Frank and have been in his studio. Because Frank knows how light behaves, he doesn’t need much time

Besides an ambassador for selected brands, Frank has his own Frank Doorhof Flashbender (Expo Imaging, USA) and introduced the Frank Doorhof backdrops in corporation with Click Props Backdrops (UK), which eventually led to Frank and Annewiek taking up the distribution for Clickpropsbackdrops for The Netherlands and Belgium in 2022. Also in 2022 Frank and Annewiek parted ways with Tethertools and introduced the next generation of tether cables IQwire, Frank always shoots tethered, even outside so he can check focus and composition and students can watch the results too and IQwire is a super fast/stable tethering solution available up to 10 meters with inline boosters and IQ connect for better performance and reliability than the competition.

Started with blogging, Frank is a natural vlogger now. His vlog “Behind the closed DOORs” shows behind the scenes of his workshops and the results. He also broadcasts a live shoot monthly: “Digital Classroom” where the viewers can interact and learn for free, online. His YouTube channel ( is full of reviews (“Quite Frankly”), interviews (The DOORhof is always open) and a lot more.

Frank is also to be found on other social platforms like Instagram, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and MeWe. Check out his portfolio on Smugmug (


58 replies
  1. John-Morgan
    John-Morgan says:

    Hi Frank,

    Looking forward to being in your Boston class in September. Quick question: if your light meter is calibrated and mine isn’t, is it possile to meter a shot with both and just calibrate mine to yours? It seems it would be a time saver.

    Thank you,

  2. Ida_gamban
    Ida_gamban says:

    Hi Frank, 
    I noticed at point you were shooting with a Profoto ringflash on an Elinchrom Ranger RX. Where did you get the adapter to make them compatible? I’d like to to the same thing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      I would not advise it, the lowest settings don’t work (but I never use those anyway), the Dutch agent for Elinchrom knew a company that did it for me.

  3. H Atsma
    H Atsma says:

    Hallo Frank en Annemiek,
    Ik heb je site bekeken, en fotogek als ikzelf ben moet ik zeggen: klasse!  Ik wist niet dat je zulke mooie foto’s maakte.  Maria en ik wensen jullie een goede reisnaar  Los Angeles, en veel succes met je workshop(s)
    Herman en Maria Atsma, Luttelgeest

  4. Peter
    Peter says:

    Hello Frank & Crew, 


    I just finished watching you live on
    TWiT.  Your presentation and explanation behind your lighting techniques
    was simply Outstanding!  I’ve learned so much and will immediately
    practice what I’ve learned today. 

    A Big thank you for sharing and demystifying the light metre’s role in
    producing those tender and evocative images.  By deconstructing the images
    into their first principles building blocks, I now have a clear mental guide to
    bring to my photocompositions.

    You’re an exceptional coach and the talents of your model, camera man, and
    assistant really helped deliver what is sure to become a cornerstone episode of
    TWiT Photo.

    A huge thank you again from a budding photographer (and future light meter




    Vancouver, Canada

  5. Ken Clarke
    Ken Clarke says:


    in the DVD Live in Boston in the section The  Train shoot you say the ambient light is F2.8 but you want it darker so set the strobes 3 stops to f8 but you then you meter the model and set the strobe to f11? can you please explain


    Ken (clark Kent)

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      Would have to watch that piece myself. But it could be that I wanted it even darker. 4.5 stops is overruling ambient 3 is close to dark. But again will have to watch that it was all filmed live could have made a mistake of course. Or it’s because I shoot on ISO 50 which I think is really going on.

  6. Laurent De Prez
    Laurent De Prez says:

    Beste Frank,
    Bijgevoegd de inhoud van m’n mail richting website
    Ik hoop van ganser harte dat de vraag positief gevolg krijgt.
    Met vriendelijke groet,

  7. Johan Stoopendaal
    Johan Stoopendaal says:

    Beste Frank,
    Ik wil graag een jaar abonnement nemen op, maar ik kan alleen via creditcard betalen (en die heb ik dus niet). Kun je mij informeren of er een andere manier is om de betaling snel en veilig te doen ?
    P.s wanneer komen de filmpjes van jouw laatste training online ?

    Vriendelijke groet,
    Johan Stoopendaal (Thelonelyones fotografie)

  8. Roberto Baro
    Roberto Baro says:

    Frank, what an amazing lecture! I have watched several other video which were all good, but your presentation made an impact on how I view my surroundings. So much so that I have noticed signs, abandoned vehicles, buildings, etc., objects that I have driven by ever day for years. I shoot with my iPhone 3G primarily now, but I am looking to purchase my first DSLR soon, a D90 or D5100, to take better macro shots, use depth of field, and just have fun as I used to with my Canon AE1 program film camera back in the old days. I can’t wait!

    Oh, one question, what are your thoughts on buying used or refurbished camera bodies, lens, etc.?

    Thanks again.

  9. roel
    roel says:

    Kerel, wat heb ik genoten van je speech voor B&H. Niet alleen de techniek, maar vooral de passie. A big WAUW!

  10. Jason Howe
    Jason Howe says:

    Hi Frank, my photographic journey has lead me to your awesome blog, great info and I will be a regular visitor here.

    Cheers, Jason

  11. Carl Harkleroad
    Carl Harkleroad says:


    I follow all your posts and have a question about Workflow’s with Leaf Backs and Light Room, Could you or have you discussed your work flow process?

  12. Jost
    Jost says:

    Hello Frank,

    few minutes ago I have seen your very interesting presentation “Being Creative and Getting the Shoot” on Youtube.

    Thanks for that, it´s very useful. So I have a question about the handheld HDR-Photography. In Canon cameras you only can set 3 stops. In which range do you set the F-Stop spreading (+/- 1, 2, x) ?

    Best regards

  13. Roy Pesik
    Roy Pesik says:

    Dear Frank, I have no question to you to ask, just want to send in this testimonial (which can be re-edited without the “onderbroekenhumor ;-).

    Your workshop in Wormerveer (the Netherlands) was really “magnifique” and inspirational. It shows me that behind the basics and light techniques the most important thing is the “eye” behind the camera (not the brains haha).

    Anyway, the images you create are an example for me to follow. I will spread the word as well to my friends and fellow students to follow your blog. Love to see you on stage as a rockstar. Again, thanks for sharing.

    Regards Roy Pesik

  14. J
    J says:

    Hey Frank,

    Long time follower, first time commenter.

    Request. Could you do a post or video on using canon flashes and elinchrome strobes optically, with the canon flashes as the master????


    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      Would be difficult because I don’t own any Canon gear anymore.

      But in essence it’s relatively simple, look in the manual for the pre flash section and you can set it up in a few minutes.

  15. Leslie Williams
    Leslie Williams says:

    Frank, I trust you are home safe and sound. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for spending time with us at Kathy’s farm. Sorry the weather got a bit crazy. You taking the time out to spend with us was fantastic.

  16. Louise Mars
    Louise Mars says:

    Hallo Frank,

    Bedankt voor de super goede blogs, video’s en alle tips die je erbij geeft. Dit geeft me veel inspiratie om een stapje verder te gaan.

    Groeten Louise

  17. Robert
    Robert says:

    Frank, you are the best photographer I have ever seen. I am watching all of your videos in order. You are my inspiration. You are a God to me.

    That being said, I got to this video and I was very disappointed.

    It felt like you completely sold out for this video. I understand that you are running a business and that you need to make money.

    You can do better than this. Please let your videos reflect your genius. You can do better.

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      First thanks Robert for the compliment, you made me blush and smile.

      Your remark on that episode of “the DOORhof is always open” I however want to defend.

      I pay for the episodes out of my own pocket, the sponsors that are mentioned in the pre-roll of the show together maybe bring in 40% of what it cost me to make the show. That being said, I’m never (and will never) be for sale, meaning if I promote the heck out of a product, trust me I LOVE and use the product, in this case it was the Sony.

      The reason it was featured in this episode was the fact that I got so many mails with questions about why I switched to Sony so I decided to tell it in the video webpodcast.

      We always feature interviews and sometimes also products, sometimes it can feel/sound a bit over enthusiastic maybe, but trust me it’s from the heart.

      I know the “power” someone can have while promoting an article so I always feel that I will only promote something if I 100% stand behind the product, and as you can see there is no Sony sponsoring the videowebpodcast 😀

      I can tell you a brand that would pay me to shoot with their cameras by the way…. but I won’t 😀 (also because I don’t use them).

      We sometimes get gear for review/testing and SOMETIMES gear can stay with me, but believe me when I say that 70-80% of the hardware I use was bought by myself, sometimes far below retail but often for retail or slightly less because I know the dealer very well.

  18. Nick
    Nick says:

    Frank…I first saw your outstanding work when I was researching the flashbender. After that I have watched your YT videos and have learned a lot of valuable lessons. One of the things that make your videos so good is the way you speak so calmly with authority. I also like the way you tint your photos like the one on the front of the flashbender package. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge and experience.
    Nick Bird.
    Perth, Western Australia.


  19. AL
    AL says:

    Hi, Frank,
    I just read your entry on the Fujifilm X10. Although I have professional gear, I, like you, would like to be able to walk around with a smaller camera, especially this one with the ability to shot RAW and that I have, as well 🙂
    Please, tell me: is there a way to synch an external flash with this camera? I wonder if I could carry a flash with me to use it in conjunction with the Fujifilm X10, but not on the shoe flash of the camera, use it off camera.
    Thank you for attention and congratulations for all the brilliant work you always show.

  20. Harry
    Harry says:

    Hey Frank, I’m a newbie in the photo world and spend my extra time doing what you said, watching videos and reading about the craft. I consider myself a extreme creatist, that part comes natural, it’s the technical stuff that I’m learning. My day job is home improvement and I have lots of tools and I know how to use these tools and when you’re doing home improvement, it’s all about having the right tool for the right job. I think it’s the same with photography. Once I learn how to master the tools, i.e. the camera, flash, lighting etc. then everything else will fall into place. Anyway, just happened to come across the seminar you did for B&H on youtube and wanted to let you know it was very informative and I enjoyed it a lot. I learned much. Awesome job. I don’t often search out the presenters to compliment them on their presentation but I wanted to with you. Thanks for sharing and if you ever get to St. Louis, MO I have a place for you to crash in exchange for some workshop registration fees:)

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