Episode 1 of the DOORhof is always open

Today is an exciting day, I just finished uploading the very first full length episode of our brandnew videopodcast called “The DOORhof is always open”.
ADDED : You can now also find the podcast in the iTunes store at http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-doorhof-is-always-open/id542659551?l=en


I’ve been the guest on many videopodcasts and always loved the way you could interact with the guests, the audience etc. but having my own was just an idea that stayed in my mind and I never thought about doing it. However as our company grows we also have some more help with editing and filming, meaning I don’t have to do everything myself any more, and this made me realize that making my own video podcast now would be possible.


The first thing you have to start thinking about is topics…. I don’t just want to sit there and stare into a camera and mumble something about stuff you guys already read on my blog, so I decided to choose different topics per video podcast, and because you already know (via the blog) what I do and think I thought it would be cool to have some guests with me each podcast. Now this means we have to come up with ideas, and this is were you guys can play a role, let me know what you want and I’ll add it to the list and who knows. If you’re an expert on analogue photography, landscapes, architecture etc. and want to invite me over to learn me (and the viewers) about your passion also just contact me and we will try to plan a visit (preferable in the Netherlands).


For the first podcast I took a topic that I’ve grown very fond off over the last few months, Streetphotography.
You will see 2 small videos on street photography I did, a store visit where we visit our friends at CameraNU.nl and a photocritique by me and 2 of the guys from CameraNU.nl


More on Ruud at : http://vanderlubbenfotografie.wordpress.com/
More on Brian at : http://dragtstra.com/
And of course info about the store at : http://www.cameraNU.nl


Remember this is the first ever episode so be gentle, it will get beter over time.
It’s free, it’s edited by our interns and my assistant (both not full time professional editors/filmers)
The sound we are working on, and will improve.
Many thanks by the way to Aletta Armee for designing our Logo and leaders (YOU ROCK).
So here it is….
Feel free to share the link (please do) and let me know what you think.

27 replies
  1. Jan Gemeinhardt
    Jan Gemeinhardt says:

    I enjoyed your Episode 1 very much. I rarely go out for street photography, this has given me the desire to do more and try harder. I learned a lot, thank you

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      Thanks. For me it was a huge learning process because I normally hardly do street photography. For every episode I will do something else. Unless the public wants something else.

  2. Steven
    Steven says:

    A very nice video. I liked that you put your own pictures up to be critiqued. It was interesting to hear the different opinions.
    One request for the future. I like the format of the second part of the video, when you introduce a picture, show it to us full screen, then reduce it in size to the bottom corner. However, would it be possible in the future, to bring it back to full screen when you are discussing details? It is not easy to see the details on the small insert, and I found I was sometimes going back to try to see what you were talking about during the dicussion.
    Thank you. I am looking forward to the next one very much.

  3. terry
    terry says:

    Great podcast. I think you have a forum for teaching and ideas that will excite and motivate people to try new things.

  4. Leo Koach
    Leo Koach says:

    Congrats… you actually opened up your own doors to your new life basically 😉
    a successful one if I may add.

    • Leo Koach
      Leo Koach says:

      By the way, I am watching this again and noticed that you are blending into the crowd without getting any attention which is incredible knowing that you’re 7 feet tall giant with a camera smiling clicking. People under you don’t even see anything because they are pretty much also under the clouds LOL…

      just made me giggle a little 😉

  5. Fan
    Fan says:

    Deze fank,

    My Curiousity won from my bordem unfortunately. What a wate of time this podcast and what a contrast with your instructional DVD’s from which I earned so much.

    Why I’m I watching a 20minute commercial for cameranu.nl?
    Why show ver mediocre street photography. Way too overprocessed and not interesting.

    (I really liked Brian’s and Ruud’s photo’s. Those were great)

    Dear frank stay with fashion/glamour which you do fantastic and keep the street photography for yourself as a hobby.
    Get rid of the HDR over processing. Makes it cheap, candy and not real.
    Watch out for getting to commercial. Do not impersonate Kelby. Keep your tweets real. (to many tweets over and over again about your session with Glyn Dewis. I’m almost to a point to unfollow you. But I like your work and workflow around calibration. Especially curious about your further tests of the x-rite color check per passport as target for he sekonic software.

    Please stay yourself and do not get crazy by suddenly selling everything Scott kelby stands for. You are in his team (congratulations for that, no many who can say that) but suddenly raving about adobe products and other brands which are huge sponsors of kelby’s organisation is a bit too obvious.
    You will loose followers

    Just my thought’s

    Please make the next podcast shorter or speed it up. It’s way too long and gets very boring easily with the slow tempo.

    I kept on watching, because I know you usually have a lot of interesting stuff to say. This time unfortunately not.

    Big shout out for Brian and Ruud, I like your photo’s.

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      I never force someone to watch something.

      Maybe the next one will be landscapes or sports. In this podcast I let myself be challenged by doing something I normally don’t do. And try to also let people learn with me. That’s why we also did the critique.

      And yes there’s a camera store visit, but I think a lot of tips were also shared there.

      I’m in no way pretending to be a next Scott (I wish) and the switch to Lightroom had nothing to do with promoting adobe it simply was necessary because aperture does not support my cameras.

      The podcast is free, my website is free, the advise I give is free. If you don’t like it you are not forced to watch. I can’t please everyone ;). Although I try.

  6. Stefan
    Stefan says:

    Hi Frank,

    You know what I really liked from this video is the fact that also 3 guys like you are facing exactly the same issues like me and probably more photofriends with issues like shall I shoot or not, asking people to shoot etc.

    I am a great fan of discussing about images because I think you learn a lot from it, or at least you can learn from it if you want to. With the images you showed I stopped the video and first tried to get my own opinion and than listen to yours 🙂 Interesting to see differences.

    During a recent workshop we did a lot of image reflections but there I learned not to explain the story in advance, but first listen to the audiance what emotional respons my image occured and after that we were able to explain our intent. A very nice exercise, maybe an interseting approach for your next video:-)

    And keep going on, it has to be supported if people like you do things like these video’s and I am sure every next one will be better than the previous one.

    Gr Stefan

    • Frank Doorhof
      Frank Doorhof says:

      Every episode we will do things different, already learned a lot from this one. I’m used to doing instructional videos and BTS stuff but this is totally different 😀

  7. John Grant
    John Grant says:

    Hi Frank, I really enjoyed your first video blog it is so nice to have such a format like yours coming out of Europe in the same style as those from Kelby Media, looking forward to your second and third video.

    I am a Nikon shooter but what you show applies to all formats, nicely done.
    John (UK)

  8. SitchaChante
    SitchaChante says:

    Hi Frank

    I enjoyed the video…was well done I thought.

    I like doing street photography but I usually disappointed with my shots. It’s a lot more difficult than it looks. Some people just have a gift for it. Your friend Ruud makes it look easy LOL.

    I agree with the previous post from Steven…I think you should keep the image you are discussing larger on the screen…maybe even full screen. While I found the discussion interesting and informative, I’m more interested in analyzing the shot than watching you talking about it 🙂

    Looking forward to the next one.

  9. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    After seeing Catherine Hall’s good luck wish to you on your podcast, I marched right on over to find it. Have enjoyed your no nonsense advice on Twit photo and the Grid, so was pleased to see you started your own. I third the request to keep the photo up on screen (which I see you’ll be fixing). Loved that section of critique and the conversation between you and your fellow photographer friends. Looking forward to more.

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