Lisanne images

Today some images from the workshop last Saturday with Lisanne.

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Milessa final selection

Last week I already showed a first quick preview, and today I can show the final images from the session we did last week with Milessa.
This session was very special for me because without a doubt Milessa is the youngest fashion model I ever had in front of my camera, she is only 12 years old. I did get some remarks from people that they think this is way too young to model and although the remarks were all in a friendly way I can understand that some people really wonder what drives me to shoot someone that young. So let me explain.

Some children love to watch movies, collect comic books etc. and that’s all ok of course.
Some children love to play musical instruments and excel in that area, now we have to make the distinction between young children that REALLY love to play that musical instrument and young children that are forced by their parents to play the instruments and are not really enjoying it. I think when someone really loves what they are doing it’s no problem how old someone starts, I see it as a huge step forwards in a career when you start young.

With models it’s always a double edge sword of course.

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When does inspiration goes wrong

We all know the saying “this image was done inspired by”.
Normally on the blog I will post topics containing technique, images, videos etc. but today I want to try something new, let’s interact.


I think it’s almost impossible to do something really 100% unique, something that has never ever been done, we see this in Hollywood and in a lot of areas, there are some amazing new products, movies, images etc. but making something 100% unique, something that has never before been tried, or done I think is almost impossible. And of course I also have my inspirations, photographers like David Lachapelle, Erwin Olaf, Mario Testino etc. they all are influencing my work and when you know it you can probably see it in most of my shots, however I also live by the rule that you should always try to improve your work or the work you are using as inspiration, and by improving I more mean change it so it fits your vision, or to make it your own.
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Seminar in Almelo

On February 2nd I will teach an evening seminar for “Fotografiegroep Windmolenbroek“.
The price is EU 2.– to participate seating is limited.
Please contact  [email protected] for reservations.
Direct link to the seminar page and location. You don’t have to be a member of course 🙂