Tag Archive for: model

Tip about locations in the studio with props

To spice up a shoot you don’t always have to go to a stunning location, sometimes you can bring the location to your studio…. well at least part of the location.
In this case we used an old window as a prop, the model is behind it and the light is falling through the window, I added some waterdrops to make the scene a bit more interesting…..


Now the first thing people ask me is “How do you get these props”
The answer is very very simple, just go to your local scrapyard, offer some posters in exchange or pay what they ask, often it’s very cheap because we actually go for the rundown (real scrap) material. You can also of course make a deal that you can bring stuff back and get new props.


Lenaa Juni 20 2014 116

Small flash and the sun

Small flash is often regarded as “not powerful enough” but this is not true. Compared to the big strobes it might look that way however with the small flash system you can use something called HSS (High-Speed-Sync) and that makes it possible to shoot on much higher shutter speeds than with for example studio strobes or battery powered solutions.

Nadine buiten Oktober 31 2014  28 - October 31 2014


There are limitations.
Because the strobe “strobes” you will find that the light output is much less, but this is often countered by the higher-shutterspeed, but also recycling is much slower.You can of course add 2 strobes together for 1 stop more (add 2 more for another stop).


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The bigger fight

yesterday I heard a very good motto:
“It’s not how big the man is in a fight, it’s how big the fight is inside the man”


This is without a doubt a motto for almost everything but especially photography, often I hear people say “I can never do that”, or “I don’t have the gear for that”, but most of all “You shoot everything correct, I don’t”

Well let me first make a confession…. I shoot just as much junk as all of you, only I probably don’t show it, for me photography is a matter of going on till I get the shot.

Yesterday we did a session in Emmeloord I call “Fashion in Emmeloord” well ok not very creative, the model was surprised we were done in 10 minutes per locations, I told her very simply that if I get the shot I’m after I will continue for a few frames and then try a different angle or composition and continue to the next, there is no need to push through. I will use a maximum of 1-2 shots per location for my own portfolio so why shoot 10 killer shots while I can switch location.

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