Tip : automaticly adding dates in Lightroom QF Ep 78

In this episode a quick but very handy tip.

It’s always handy to rename files with the date they were shot on, but if you import a lot of files, that can be a problem… but not if you use the templates in Lightroom, in this episode I show you how.

Tip : what a little bit (well ok a lot) of flash can do

We all know that strobes can be very handy to light up a person, or a scene.
But often it’s forgotten that you can literally change the whole scene with a strobe.
In the first sample you see Poeka shot in natural light, as you can see there is no sky… it’s mostly white.

In the next two shots you see what happens when I add strobes.
The total look of the scene changes and the sky has MUCH more detail but most of all it becomes VERY dark and moody.

Now don’t worry… you don’t need 1000000watts of power.
In fact you can do something similar with speed lights, use the HSS (high speed sync) option and you can come a long way, if you don’t get the same effect just add another speed light for a full stop extra, that should do the trick in most situations (unless you are shooting in California mid day… than add a “few” more 😀

Also with the modern sky ports and HS system from Elinchrom it’s now possible to shoot this kind of looks without the need for insane apertures of f22 and f32, you can now actually shoot this on f1.4 if you want, this is because normally strobes are limited to the 1/125 shutter speed (x-sync) but now with the HS systems like on the Elinchrom strobes you can now break this and shoot on MUCH higher shutter speeds, your output (well not exactly, it’s the light hitting the sensor) will go down when you raise the shutter speed, but overall you will get really cool results.

Poeka August 13 2016  0128

Poeka August 13 2016  0140


behind the closed DOORs September 14 2016

In todays episode we take you BTS during the Digital classroom broadcast with Nadine.

See the setups before the broadcast, what we use, how we build it up and much more of course.

If you enjoy what we do please let us know by subscribing, spreading the link to our YouTube channel, or support us via Patreon.

Digital Classroom LIVE, September 14, with model Nadine

In this FREE online interactive live photo shoot Frank Doorhof shows you a successful photo shoot from start to retouch. You can see him prepare the shoot by setting up and metering the lights, coach the model, take the shot and retouch the results, and much much more. Of course with all unexpected problems like in your shoot, because this is live:) In between you can ask questions online.

In this episode we will show you, together with with model/designer/stylist Nadine Stephan how you can make spectaculair pictures with just a simple set and some lights.

You don’t have to register, just go to this link to interact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99XfpVkH_ck

or this link to watch https://frankdoorhof.com/web/digital-classroom-live/