Tip on perspective

One of the most important things next to shooting the right scene with the right light (duh), is probably perspective or if you like the angle of the composition.

Always remember that EVERY scene has different ways of shooting it, by just moving yourself around you can literally change the look of the scene, now sometimes you will be limited due to objects you don’t want in the frame, but often you have more freedom than you think.

Today a very simple sample of two different shots from the same scene, but both look completely different, the cool thing…. now a days we shoot digital so you can shoot whatever you like as many times as you like, because sometimes it will look great through your eyes, but in camera…. not so and the other way around, so always compose the shot through the viewfinder.


Behind the closed DOORs 17 September 2016

In todays episode we take you behind the scenes in the workshop “creativity and styling” which I teach together with Nadine.

This is a workshop JAMPACKED with creativity, we mix light sources, colors, build small sets and of course Nadine has her usual amazing styling.

The cool thing about this workshop is actually that we explain the complete creative process from idea to styling after which I take over (together still with Nadine) and explain the creative lighting and set dressing concept.

In between all the students can interact and Nadine and I constantly swap ideas.

A unique workshop and this video doesn’t really does it justice but that’s why you have to be there of course.

Still hope you guys enjoy it 😀

Behind the closed DOORs September 17 2016

In todays episode we take you behind the scenes during the workshop “Classical lighting” plus we got some really cool new LedGo lights in.

Tip : Strobes can do a lot… and more

In the previous tip we looked at what strobes can do with the available light, let’s see today what happens if we start adding some gels.

In the first image we see Poeka only lit with the available light.
Now let’s add some strobes. (actually only one)

Poeka August 13 2016  0191

Totally different look, and as you can see Poeka is feeling much better with this setup.
Remember in this setup that the aperture controls the light on the model (the strobe) and the shutter speed the available light, so if you want more light in the background simply lower your shutter speed.

Now we want a little bit more mood in the shot.
For the next shot I added a green gel on the strobe and balanced on the green light, making this my new “white” which means that all available light will actually drop down to magenta.Poeka August 13 2016  0211

As you can see Poeka really loves this look….

All jokes aside, you can do some crazy creative stuff when you start adding gels to strobes and know a little bit about the interaction between colors. In short (get my book “Mastering the model shoot” for much more information on this kind of stuff) if you use green white will turn Magenta, if you use red it will turn cyan and with blue it will turn yellow.

If you experiment with gels or you have a kick @ss image make sure to share it with me via social media 😀