behind the closed DOORs June 22 2016

In todays episode you can see Angela visiting our studio to learn me some techniques to improve my drawing skills.

Behind the closed DOORs June 21 2016

In this episode of “Behind the closed DOORs” we are testing the faulty video setup from digital classroom, I’m retouching some older shots and some new ones and you get some information on those shots on how they were shot.

I’m also preparing for a drawing lesson tomorrow with a quick sketch and finished result in Manga Studio and Photoshop.

Also tips on social media and…. we have a very special announcement about a new partner for Behind the closed DOORs.

If you enjoy what we do make sure to let it know on social media and in the comments, and if you want to support us check out we really appriciate this and you also get a lot of goodies in return of course

Photoshop tips : tinting with Alien Skin X

In this episode of quite frankly an overview of how I tint my images in Photoshop with Alien Skin Exposure X and how I add some extra magic.

Because black and white can be stunning

During the editing process of images it’s always a hard choice for me to go for BW or color…
So most of the times I just select BW and often love what I see, but then I go back to color…. well and I also love what I see.
Some images however are “born” to be BW, like the image on top from Danique.

The other two images I’m still in doubt about, but hey we live in the digital age so why not have them both 😀
Do you always struggle between BW and color?
And what’s your preferred way of solving the dilemma?

Now some images I intentionally shoot to be BW and that’s easy for the simple reason we already start with BW in our mind. So makeup, clothing, background etc. is all setup for the conversion. But sometimes it’s more difficult.

Danique June 17 2016 1575 bw

Danique June 17 2016 1575