The things that you really need…..

A lot of people ask me about those little things that really are necessary to own.
If you look at the gear guide on this page you can already see some of the items I will mention in this thread. But I think it’s interesting to also do a small blog post about some of the items that will save your session, or add some amazing creative options…..
So here we go.

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Small news item

A quick news update for today.

Professional Imaging 2011
We are about to leave for the Professional Imaging 2011.
A great tradeshow in the Netherlands were we always look forward to, meeting some new and old friends and of course I’m there teaching on the Elinchrom booth. This year will be special because I will be demoing the Elinchrom USB kit, the Leaf Aptus12 (80mp back) and some surprises. We will also be working closely with the guys from OnOne that will be demonstrating some of their magic with my shots.
I will also be doing some small portfolio reviews for people who bring their portfolio, so if you’re gone be there let me know.
This year is a real must see because Matt Kloskowski will also be there, and trust me you DON’T want to miss him.

Photoshopworld Orlando
It’s an exciting month, because straight after the professional imaging we will start preparing for the seminars I’m gone teach at Photoshop world in Orlando, if you visit Photoshop world please let me know and we arrange some sort of meet and greet.

Glamour workshop Belgium
On April 16th I will teach a one off glamour workshop in Belgium.
We have only a few seats left so book as soon as possible if you don’t want to miss out.

So that’s the quick news update, hope to meet some of you online or during one of the workshops/demos, make sure to talk to me I hate to miss people and read later about it :D, often it’s very hectic so make yourself known….. maybe it’s time for a secret dress code for the blog visitors ? how about we all dress in black (inside joke).


Guestblogger Sven Michiels about concert photography

Today it’s time for a guestblog by Sven Michiels about concert photography, you should really check out his site at
Sven visited my workshops a few times and it was always fun to hang out with him so when I was looking for new guestbloggers I immediately thought of Sven, and when you see his work you will also know why.

Sven Michiels
To take off on this guest blog, I’d like to give you some background information about myself. I’m a Belgian photographer based just in a small village next to Antwerp. Around 5 years ago, I started photographing concerts after a period of mainly car racing photography. Some of my clients on the racetrack introduced me to a well-known concert band: Praga Khan. From the first concert, I really loved concert photography and my clients had the same feeling. Since my first picture on a concert (or even on the racetrack), I knew that several things had to be kept in mind, but there were 2 main points, namely always capture the action & keep looking for unique moments!

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Strobist masterclass Kamera Express

For me teaching workshops on locations is one of the most challenging and rewarding things I do, it forces me to do things differently and see things in a fresh and new way. That’s also one of the things I always try to teach my students, know your gear and theory so you can shoot in any possible situation and deliver a good image. I’m therefore a big supporter of the idea that shooting on locations at least once every week or so will force the photographer to grow much faster than if he/she only shoots in the well known area of their studios. Because of the workshops I teach I’m often asked by companies and clubs to do the workshops in their (or an arranged) location and as you might have guessed it’s always something I really enjoy.

March 6th it was time for the Kamera Express workshops with as theme, “Strobist”.
You might have noticed that there is a lot of strobist stuff going on lately with me and that’s true. I’ve always been a huge fan of “big flash” but after a nice chat with Joe McNally (who pushed me into “small flash”) I decided it was also time to add the “small flash” or so called strobist way of using flash into my workshops. However I try to do it slightly different, in this blog post I take you backstage with the workshops I did for Kamera Express, you can see the backstage video at the end of the blog post (or now) and you can see my favorite shots of the day. I will also explain the techniques and vision behind the shots.

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