About technique and more.

Light please…..

Light is our language, it’s what we use to tell our stories…..
Now there is always a lot of debate about which lights to use, what brand, what quality, what soft box etc.
In reality however light can be used from almost everything, as long as you understand what it does and how it behaves you can actually create the looks you want with…. well even a simple lightbulb.


During the workshop working on location we normally go outside (on location) but because of the predictable Dutch weather (meaning loads of rain that day) we decided to stay inside the studio and “mimic” a location. One of the things I show during this workshop is working with available light, so how did we solve this in the studio? well by using a very simple household lightbulb.


The next images are all shot with just that one single lightbulb.
So the next time you do a photoshoot don’t think that you need the most expensive gear, but play around with something simple, maybe something wonderful will come out.


Model/styling : Nadine

Nadine Februari 7 2014 (2 of 297)-Edit

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Beltcraft studios set 3

For the next set we used a corner of the studio that was available with an unique prop, well I never worked with something like this before.
Nadine had the perfect outfit for this….. a cross between fashion and a gymnastic Ninja 😀

Nadine Beltcraft workshop-220

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Beltcraft studios set 2

Today set 2 from the Beltcraft studios workshops in London.
Model / styling : Nadine.


For the second setup I setup a complete scene.
Starting out with one strobe, adding one to the background and eventually even adding some constant lights that were still in the studio.
Nadine Beltcraft workshop-123

In this stage you see an Elinchrom Quadra with maxi light on Nadine, two constant lights in the back and to mimic the edge light coming from the constant lights I used an Elinchrom Ranger RX speed with a reflector and grid aimed at Nadine (the constant lights themselves didn’t register on the dress). The background I also wanted to light but I was out of strobes….. (well never thought I was needing four and we had to travel light) so I used a constant light for the background also (a strip) placed very close to the background and that just gave enough light to make the background stand out a bit more around the letters.

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Beltcraft studios workshop set 1

When we’re on location for a tradeshow I often also try to arrange one or two workshop days. In the case of London we ended up at the Beltcraft studios, a great location for fashion and the more “funky stuff”, and with Nadine as your model and stylist…. well what can go wrong 😀


Today the first set from the workshop.
For this set I used the 70cm deep octa from Elinchrom and mixed it with the available light to create a more flat looking shot. But due to the smaller size of the indirect octa and the fact that it was not placed far away from the model the light quality came out really “edgy” what I absolutely love.

Nadine Beltcraft workshop-17

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