My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Orlando Personal update

As promised somedays I will give a small personal update from our trip in Orlando.
Photoshop World is over so we are doing some personal stuff now.
As mentioned before I love the signs and billboards you see all over the place here, as an American you probably don’t see them or find them annoying, but for me they are superb and very interesting.

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New video and collection blogpost PSW

I promised the show the new video from PSW from day 2-3 but I thought it would be cool to make a collection post about PSW, so here we go.

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PSW Day 2-3 final post.


I’m back at the hotel room, it’s 23:48 at the moment local Orlando time.

Today it was the final day of my first Photoshop world and to be honest it’s hard to find the right words to express my feelings about this. What I do know is that working with this kind of people will without a doubt inspire everyone for many weeks/months to come. I did have some expectations from Photoshop World but nothing could have prepared me for this.

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Photoshop day 1

Here a very quick update from day 1 at photoshop world.
Remember it’s just a quick video shot with the iPhone4, time is very limited so no real time to edit 😀