My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Dutch Heaven tips and tricks video

Because there is no new photography work till this weekend because I’m taking a little break, my assistant and me are editing some videos to keep the blog active and you guys happy 😉

In the series of the videos shot this year it’s now time for the video shot during one of the Dutch Heaven tips and tricks seminar I taught this summer.

During these seminars I normally teach one part theory and one part in which I show what the group learned in practice. In this case because the weather was nice we did this part outside.

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Tani Mara

Yesterday during the workshop Studio Technique II Tani Mara was our model, in this topic some information about the workshop and some of the shots.


The Studio Technique II workshop is the second workshop from the basis workshops, in the Studio Technique I workshop there is a lot of attention for understanding light and measuring it and in the practice part we start out with some portrait work adding strobes to add dimension but most of all showing what light can do when you understand the concept of measuring and manipulating it.


For the Studio Technique II we go one step further in also teaching the students more about coaching the model, a bit more styling, but most of all understanding how to find the right angle and learn to visualise the setups and the outcome.





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Video Louisa photoshoot

Also this has been a while but we are working through some videos these days for online sharing.

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New video EOSdigital day

It has been a while but we have just finished the video 😀
In this blog post you can see the video we shot during the workshops I taught in the Summer during the EOS digital forum meeting. It’s a dutch forum you can find on and has a very nice and friendly atmosphere.

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