My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.
Backstage video workshop fotoflits
/3 Comments/in blog/by Frank DoorhofI already shared some of the images we took during this workshop (see here), and today you can see the backstage video our intern Evita shot and edited.
Tonight NIK webinar for the Dutch people
/1 Comment/in blog/by Frank DoorhofJust a small reminder that tonight I will teach a free webinar for NIK software for the Dutch market.
You can still reserve your spot via this link.
See this link for the links to reserve and of course more information
Cherelle small flash
/10 Comments/in blog, Visions and technique/by Frank DoorhofA few months ago I started teaching the small flash workshop.
I did use small flash before this of course but somehow never taught a workshop about it, until I talked a bit with Joe McNally who pointed out to me that there was a lot of interest for small flash workshops in a more technical approach, and because I’m a strong believer in understanding what’s going on when you shoot I decided to write a workshop that does not only tell you about ETTL and show some light setups, but a workshop that tells you where ETTL goes wrong and how you can solve this, but also how to shoot (and meter) for full manual mode, and of course how to use creative light setups, groups, ratios etc.
Last week it was time for Cherelle to be my model for the small flash workshop.
In this blog post some more information about the techniques, gear and of course some of my favorite shots from that day.
Studio Frank Doorhof:
Constructieweg 8
8305 AA Emmeloord
The Netherlands
Or Email : [email protected]
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