My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

New images from Christianne

Last Saturday it was time for the Advanced III workshop with Christianne.
The Advanced III workshop has a very special theme, outside photography, meaning if the weather is “ok” we will go out and shoot. The fun thing about this is that for a lot of people using a light meter in the studio is something they are comfortable with, however as soon as they step outside a small “panic attack” occurs 🙂 while in reality it’s not more difficult, so in this workshop there always is a lot of attention for manipulating and metering the light outside.

So what kind of things do we discuss during the workshop?
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Interview on Mediatapper

A while ago I was asked to write something for MediaTapper, today the link to that interview. 


the first StudioFD BBQ

Yesterday it was time for the first StudioFD Photography BBQ.
This idea started a few months ago when I talked to some of my students about hanging out one day without the “structure” of a workshop. Last year I also organized a small photo walk and gathering for twitter followers which was a load of fun so slowly the idea build in my head to do something like that again but different. Because we are working very closely with Restaurant “Boszicht” in Emmeloord (my home town) and have several projects running with them at the moment it was an easy choice where to host it, plus they run an amazing BBQ program with loads of extras in a very nice and relaxed atmosphere.

I can only say one thing after yesterday, “it was a lot of fun and we will do this again, probably ever 3-4 months”.
During the day there was a lot of talk about photography of course, but also a lot of non photography topics. Some people brought their portfolios and got a review from me and the other visitors, and this is really very valuable, because when you hear the different opinions on your portfolio it can really help you build your confidence (or not) and help you progress.

From our side we would like to thank the following people without whom it would have been much less fun (or not possible)
Margreet and Geert from Boszicht
The personel of Boszicht
The visitors
ITC Computer Systems
Wendy Appelman for the backstage videos and photos
Annewiek Doorhof for assisting me and organizing a big part of the day

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New images Nadine

Yesterday it was the first time I taught a photography workshop again after my knee injury (I did the DSLR video one last week) and man….. I needed this one. Doing no model photography for 4 weeks is not a good thing for me. So yesterday it was time for the Advanced I workshop and our model was the always amazing Nadine, and also this time she did her own styling (can you say wow, what is this model creative).  oh…. and in case you wonder about color, all images have a slightly different filtering, with workshops I never really work “seriewise” but more image by image so I also experiment a bit with the colors, in the end 1-2 images are really used for my portfolio, now because you see the series the difference in color draw attention 😀

So today I share some of the shots of yesterdays workshop.

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