Entries by Frank Doorhof

Tip : Just ask

People often tell me that they saw amazing things and didn’t take a photo because they didn’t have the guts to ask. Trust me on this one. The worst that can happen is the answer “no”. No one will start screaming at you or kill you. Literally the worst that can happen is “no” If […]

A glamorous tip

Glamour or boudoir photography can be a very difficult topic. Where do you set the border between safe for work or not safe for work. In other words…. when can someone take offense to a shot? Now in all honesty some people will take offense to almost anything and some people will never. In my […]

Note 8 after a minute hands on review, Android from an Apple Fanboy’s perspective….

images from internet   It’s an exciting time for many of us… well I know it’s for me. Finally after years of delivering great phones but sticking to a “standard” design, Apple is releasing the iPhone 8 and just a few days ago Samsung released the Note8. Now a few years ago I couldn’t really […]