Entries by Frank Doorhof

The perfect lens……

Let’s talk a bit about lenses and looks. The image we open with was shot during a workshop with a 70mm setting on a 24-70 lens. Is this the perfect/best way to shoot this scene?….. well let’s see.   “Frank what is the perfect lens for…..” I don’t know how often I get this question, […]

Black magic releases davinci 15

It’s no secret that black magic is quickly growing to be a serious contender for the crown of video editing. And the bizarre thing…. Resolve is 100% free. And if you need even more… There’s also a studio version. But in all honesty the free version is probably more than enough for everyone. I’m editing […]

Your EV questions answered

I recently uploaded 2 videos about our trip to France with our Hyundai Ioniq, the idea was to create a super positive vlog style experience…. however nothing was positive about driving an EV in France to be honest. Because we got a lot of questions after these videos I decided to create a follow up […]