Behind the closed DOORs June 2nd 2016

In this episode our first day of the UK tour, on the boat, setting up our tent and of course some fun other things.

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Tip : where should the model look

A question I get a lot is “Where should the model look?”
Well in all honesty I don’t really think about it, I often let the model look the way that fits the image. Take for example these shots of Poeka I took during the recent small flash workshop, she is not looking into the camera, but straight into the light. I love the way the light plays on her face in combination with the shadow on her cheekbone.

Now is there a right or wrong?
Well I don’t know, I know what I like, or what my model likes.
In most cases I will however follow a few simple rules or guide lines.

  1. Catchlights
    If possible I always want the catchlights in the models eyes
  2. Center the eyes
    Make sure the eyes are centered, unless of course you want to go for that “walking dead” look with loads of eye white
  3. Make the story
    Often I will try to tell a story with my photography (even with “simple” portraits”) when a model looks straight into the camera this of course tells a story, but when he/she looks away this can often bring just a bit more of tension in a shot.

As you can see I do follow some rules, but in essence I can throw them all overboard when I think something else fits the story better, so if you are still following all the rules…. try to just “relax” and go for that special look, the look that feels awesome and when it breaks some rules… well… maybe it was time for it 😀

Poeka May 28  2016 0627

Poeka May 28  2016 0032

Final seats for Manchester available

We are almost sold out in Manchester so if you don’t want to miss the final stop in our UK tour make sure to book your seats now via UK TOUR “Mastering the model shoot” June 8th, “hands on workshop” it’s gonna be jam-packed day with Nadine and me covering a lot of topics on model photography, styling, retouching, working on location and inside and much much more.


This is one you don’t want to miss 😀


Backtsage at workshop castle Doorwerth

A while ago Frank taught a workshop model photography in the beautiful castle of Doorwerth (Arnhem). Nadine was our model and stylist. In this workshop the theme was “middle ages” which was a good combination with all the animal heads. So don’t expect too much fairytales :). Including some results. Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe and support us on patreon :