Center focus point or something else

Now this question is asked a LOT and I really mean A LOT.
“Frank why do you move your camera up and down?”
“Which focus point should I use?”


Both questions actually boils down to the same answer.
I grew up with analogue photography, meaning focussing manually with a great (and sometimes not so great) focus screen, often this were the screens where you would see the image opaque in the center when it was in focus, plus/or a circle that made the image broken up or complete when out/in focus. These focus “helpers” where always in the middle of the frame, now did this mean that your subject was always in the middle…. no of course not, you would focus, recompose and shoot.

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Outside with Nadine

Today some images from Nadine shot during a location workshop.

Nadine Augustus 30 2013-4-Edit

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New images from Marie

Today a selection of the images I shot of Marie during a 1:1 workshop on location.
The Locations were all very close to our studio, as you know the best locations are right under your nose 🙂
Light varies from natural light, sunbounce and strobes.
In my opinion it’s always very important to shoot with as many different looks as possible on location to give your client/model as many different looks as possible to choose from, this way you always have alternatives if a client doesn’t really like one certain look, in the end it will land you more jobs.


I used two different cameras on this session.
A Phase One DF with a Leaf Credo60 digital back and a Schneider 80mm f2.8 LS lens
The Fuji X-E1 with a Leica R 50mm f2.0 lens.


Let’s start with the natural light shots.


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FujiFilm X-E1 as model

Shooting models during workshops is fun of course, but most of the times in normal work you will be asked to shoot not only the model but also “something else” this can vary from the clothing, hats to …. well actually anything.


It’s no secret I love vintage cameras and I like the look of the FujiFilm X-E1 so I thought it would be fun to create a series with this camera as the main focus of attention. As mentioned many times on the blog I always believe in giving my clients a lot of different looks to choose from so also in this case we shot with natural light and several different strobe setups. I hope you like the outcome.


Model/Styling : Nadine

Nadine Augustus 30 2013-153-Edit

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