What a difference a….. makes

Ok shot, but not interesting enough, right ?

Now you hear a lot of talk about what makes a good image.
So many times you see the light that’s awesome, a great model and a great location, but there is something missing… in most cases that’s expression. However you can also enhance an image even more by knowing which lens to choose.


Going for a more extreme look can be awesome, and add a wider lens will really give you something cool.

Ok expression is making it a little bit better


Combining it with a wide angle lens makes the image complete.

So the next time you do your photoshoot, don’t stop when you think you “got the shot”, but push a little bit further.
Have fun.

5 replies
  1. Kenny Partington
    Kenny Partington says:

    I’ve heard you say this before on your Kelby training videos, Frank and it is so true. If you can get one more kick ass shot out of a shoot it can only be a good thing. These days its all about impact and shots like the two above have that a plenty.

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