2 interesting workshops

Today some attention for 2 interesting workshops for the Dutch people.
And maybe also for you guys abroad because I’m working on also getting Nadine with me for some workshops abroad….


Nadine 7 December 2012 -_-820-Edit

1. Styling with a budget
This workshop is new and will be taught for the first time tomorrow.
The biggest problem we all face is inspiration…
what to do with a model?
what does she/he wear?
how do we pose the model?
how do we make a shot stand out?


In corporation with Nadine and our new stunning model Manon it will be a workshop in which we do several photoshoots from A-Z, meaning the styling, how to create a moodboard for your team, how to do the styling creativly on a budget, which light and set to go with the setup, shooting it, coaching the model and doing the retouching.
This is an insanely interesting workshop that will trigger your creative process like nothing  before. Nadine will go through three styling sets from zero to 50 euros and explain everything about those sets.


This workshop can be attended in the Netherlands only for the moment, but if there is enough interest we will take it on the road.
Tomorrow is the first time it’s taught but check www.fotografie-workshops.nl for other dates, you really can’t miss this one.


2. Fuji seminar Kamera Express (FREE)
A 100% free 90 minute seminar on travel/street photography (and of course models) in corporation with Fuji.
This saturday will be Capelle and there is a limit amount of seats available so be quick to register, as mentioned it’s 100% free and it’s a seminar you did not see from me before so make sure to check it out, I wrote it from the ground up for Fuji. You can also play with the new Fuji cameras of course.
Surf to : http://www.kamera-express.nl/over-ons/nieuws1/gratis-seminar-frank-doorhof/ to register…..

4 replies
  1. KevintheVerbose
    KevintheVerbose says:

    Frank, I’m afraid I live in the states and probably away from most of the areas you come and visit in the states. Do you think the Styling with a Budget workshop will be made into a downloadable video?

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