Cool backgrounds from Lastolite

During the Photokina I shot several demos with the new collapsible backgrounds from Lastolite and to be honest I love them a lot, never thought I would.

You all know I love the more “rustic” backgrounds, old walls, iron, rust etc.
In our studio we have several walls with these themes so I’m more than happy there, however on location it’s often a bit of a problem…. not when we really go to a location but it is when I teach workshops for photo clubs, demo on stages etc. Often the rooms are rather small and the walls in the rooms are pretty “boring” to say the least. And when using seamless I often need more distance to the backgrounds than I’m actually given.

This is where the Lastolite backgrounds are KILLER for me, and I’m sure I will get at least one in the future. For people who have to remodel their living room or attic into a studio or do a lot of location work these backgrounds are priceless and will make you very happy (and your client).

The backgrounds are collapsible (very easy and quick), like the reflectors you will without a doubt know. When setup they are just large enough to pose a model against and do a pretty nice 3/4 shoot and make the viewer think they are a lot bigger (especially when working with a slightly longer lens).

All the backgrounds are double printed, meaning you have two different prints on each side one. Which makes them even more interesting. But what I REALLY like about the images is that they are shot with shadows, meaning if you place your lights the same way you get some pretty convincing results (but do take care you position your lights the right way, if you do it differently it will look wrong and the effect is gone).

During the photokina I was able to test all the different options they have available soon, but as I understand they are already working on more so I’m more than eager to keep updated on that, for the moment my favorite is without a doubt the one you see at the blog opening (just love that kind of material).

They will be released somewhere in the coming weeks via Lastolite or one of their dealers.


13 replies
  1. Jonathan
    Jonathan says:

    Note to myself: stop reading this blog or you will buy ALL the nice products presented.
    Now I really need one of these new backgrounds… (As well as a Blackrapid strap!)

  2. Aaron K
    Aaron K says:

    Oh man those are awesome! Stop posting such things, Frank, otherwise I won’t be able to afford to eat lol.

  3. Mark Astmann
    Mark Astmann says:

    As I told you before you got the Elinchrom booth, we needed you to take shots using these backgrounds. They are great. I’m glad you liked them Frank.

  4. Jeff Turnbull
    Jeff Turnbull says:

    Cool! Do you know if they are going to be available here in the U.K? Is there a release date?

  5. Andy 1st Cameras
    Andy 1st Cameras says:

    Hi, these backgrounds will be available in the UK in next few weeks. We at 1st Cameras stock the full range and will be taking pre-orders for the Lastolite 5×7 Urban Collapsible Reversible Backgrounds from the 24/10/2012. .
    Any questions you can reply to this post or contact our sales team on Email: [email protected] Phone: 01782 634 580

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