Tag Archive for: photoshoot

Workshop with motion and Marie

Last Friday it was time for another Advanced workshop.
In the advanced workshops a lot of attention is given to the start of posing, in the workshops I and II there is a lot of attention for technique and the theory behind “getting the shot”, in the advanced series (including glamour) there is much more attention for nailing that shot by working together with the model for movement and expression.

Originally Stephanie was planned as the model but late thursday night I got a call that she was too sick to be there, so there were some panic moments as you can imagine, how to replace a model last minute…. well this is why it’s important to have a good network (and even than I have to admit I was terrified I would not find a good replacement). One of my first choices was Marie and lucky for me (and the group) she changed her schedule and was ready to rock….. And she did.

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Fashion session outside with Amarens

On February 24 Amarens was our model for a session for my own and her portfolio.
It’s very important that as a photographer you keep working on your own portfolio, often this means investing in a setup or doing a TFP (Time For Print) session. In this case our team consisted of :

Model : Amarens
Photographer : Frank
Assistents : Dilani, Raymond
MUA : Mandy
Dresses : bruidsmodevoorbruidjes

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Video Nadine

On February 15th we did a session with Nadine for our own portfolio.
The post can be found here : https://frankdoorhof.com/web/?p=1061
We also shot some backstage video material which you can see here:

Model vs Projection

Sometimes it’s time to do something that’s more experimental, or in other words something that can go wrong.
I love those sessions but due to my schedule it’s often hard to plan something like this, but yesterday it was time to play. Many thanks to Bianca who was my willing model for this session. Remember when clicking on read the rest that some images can be considered not safe for work, although I feel they are all rather safe 🙂

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