Tag Archive for: competition

Poldermodel 2014

When I work with the models during my workshops it always felt a bit weird that most of the models were all located far away from Emmeloord (our hometown) this is weird because when I walk through our town I see a lot of nice girls/boys that could model for us. Sometimes I do give a card but I have to honest most people don’t respond (maybe shame or they just throw away the card) so don’t worry if that also happens to you, maybe 1 out of 10 will respond.


Anyway, a few years ago I thought that it would be cool to organize a competition that shows us there are great models closer to home and the idea for “Poldermodel” was born. To explain the title a bit, we live in an area that is actually won back from the sea, so yeah in fact we live under sea level and NO I’m not sponge bob Squarepants 😀 and in Dutch we call this “polder”.


In 2012 we started the competition and it was a huge succes but due to limited time in 2013 we did not have the energy and time to organize it again, but we promised we would do it in 2014… and we did. On May 16th it was time for “poldermodel 2014” in a beautiful new location “Chez Marknesse”. During the day we organized different “stages” for the models including a photoshoot with me, a seminar on the life as a model and a catwalk training. In all “stages” there were several things the models learned but also things the judges looked for and would use for the final part, selecting the winner.


Today some of the images we shot during the day.
But first the winners of the title “Poldermodel 2014”



Anna and Ben


In 2012 Ben was in the top 3 but did not win and as always we gave the finalists some tips to grow and man did Ben listen.  Ben we choose because he performed great in all stages but most of all the catwalk where he not only got the biggest response from the crowd but also blew the jury away with his dynamic walk and absolute “I’m Ben and that’s it” attitude, the crowd and the jury loved it.

Poldermodel 2014 sessie (1 of 278)

Anna is a real “poldermodel” she is not only a great model for fashion and has some really nice expressions in her shots but most of all Anna is the kind of model that will promote your event to the top with her smile which melted not only me but also the whole jury, and as you can see here she is not afraid to jump out of the box during a photoshoot, even if she only has a few frames. WOW.Poldermodel 2014 sessie (242 of 278)
And here are some images from the catwalk show.

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Competition winners

When the guys from CameraNu.nl asked me to be the judge for their fotowedstrijd.nl competition I did not have to wait long with my answer. I love the store and a lot of my gear is delivered by them, I’ve know the owner like forever (he brought me my first 10D in person at my house). In the last few years their company has grown into a “monster” camera store with good reputation on service and knowledge, but enough of the promotion…. In this blogpost I’ll show you the winners (and one runner up) and will give you my motivation in what I look for in a winning shot.

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NIK competition

As many of you know NIK software is without a doubt one of the best plugins out there, many pros rely on it for their daily work, and I’m one of them. From the NIK plugins I mostly love Color Efex Pro and NIK recently released a new version of this amazing collection of plugins. In the months December and January I will be doing 3 webinars for NIK and we thought it would be a cool idea to start a competition with a digital version of NIK color Efex Pro 4, the brand new version of Color Efex Pro.

So what do you have to do?
We will start the competition today and you are allowed to send in a maximum of 3 images in the category “PEOPLE”, this can be anything from fashion, glamour (no 18+ please), portraits, street etc. the images can be digitally enhanced, straight out of the cam, black and white, color etc. but they have to be different to win, every week we will feature 2 of the best images from that week that will be shown on the blog.



You can send in images once, every week, spread them out over the period it doesn’t matter. However I do advise you to not wait till the last week, by highlighting 2 images every week you can see the quality and judge for yourself were you would rank. You can send in the images to [email protected]. Once every while I will also select one person that is invited to write a guestblog on my blog about his/her work. Via https://frankdoorhof.com/+ you can see an album specially for the NIK competition. Direct link to the album here.


The winner will be announced during the third webinar I will do for NIK in January, and will get a free electronic version of Color Efex Pro 4


Please mail the images to me in 800 pixels longest side.
[email protected]