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Tip for people with little space

Not everyone has a huge studio, probably most people will do their shoots in their living room, garage or small studio. But don’t worry about that.

One of the most heard complaints or excuses is “my studio is too small” well you know the saying “it’s not the size, it’s what you do with it” and that fits this situation exactly.

One of the disadvantages of small spaces is that using seamless can be problematic due to the height and the distance you have to keep from your model.

But luckily there are so many other options. In fact I hardly ever use seamless.

You can use wallpaper that will also make it possible to pose your model very close to the wall and save space and create cool shadows.

But you can also use the awesome backdrops from lastolite or clickpropbackdrops. Both companies deliver unique products which can be used on location or in your own studio for awesome results.

And you can of course also just fill the space with gear or other accessoires.

But that’s tight spaces where you only have to think about backgrounds so the solutions mentioned are based on alternatives for seamless. But what if you really have a tight space.

Personally I love working in the more tighter spaces and incorporate the scene into the shots.

What we did is make the smaller areas in our studio into small sets with character. Like for example the steps towards the podium in our studio

As you can see it’s pretty tight 😉

Of course you can also just have a bit of fun with the concept 😉

and if you don’t have room to place lighting you can always use a lumecube on a selfie stick

Feel free to share your results in tight spaces.

And maybe now you can do something creative with your seamless 😉

Special activities and portfolio reviews.

Because sitting at home doing nothing is not the best thing to do we have thought about some cool things to stay busy and creative.

You already can see my Livestream on photography and guitars but we also have to find some way to earn something of course. So next to the free material we are launching some online activities with much reduced prices to make it available for everyone.

Starting today you can get an awesome portfolio review from me.

Send in 2 images retouched and raw and you get tips on styling, lighting and I do a complete retouch for you. And everything will be recorded in a personal video. These videos will run between 10-30 minutes and are jam-packed with personalized tips and tricks.

So don’t wait and grab your chance.
For a limited time only you can get 2 images reviewed for 25.00 Euros. Or $27.00 us.

We also still have our 50% discount voucher “goodluck” for all my tutorials and presets via frankdoorhof.com/videos and frankdoorhof.com/presets

So stay home but don’t stop learning.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
For the portfolio review mail to [email protected]

Creative selfie challenge

Now that we don’t work with models (we chose to keep social distancing or course) and I don’t really like to be in front of the camera I thought let’s try some creative selfies.

Seeing I love shadows and shapes I took these two.
Please add your creative selfies.

Covid-19 and how the media can show you things….

Let me start by the following statement. Corona or Covid-19 is real and it’s scary as can be. This is something that has never happened before in our generation, so there are no rule books, there is no….. well there is nothing to which we can compare this, so don’t even try. When you read the media there are two trains of thought. First the “total panic media” and second the “there is no problem at all” media. Let me just give my opinion. We have chosen to stay at home as much as possible. I’m not afraid for the virus for myself, although….. well it’s scary But most of all I am terrified for my family which is a HUGE riskfactor, so to protect them and so many others we have decided to close the studio and shop and do everything by phone and mail, and only go out when necessary or to walk the dog. Now don’t worry we don’t lock ourselves in, we go to the beach with the dog and to the forest and we have a normal life, but we are avoiding places where you can get into contact with other people. And if we see people we just stay 2-3 mtrs away. Every person can/will infect 2-3 people. This means that YOU, yes YOU can infect millions of people in a time of less than 2 days (depending on the situation), so please even if you 100% healthy and are not afraid of Covid-19 think about all the other people and also think about your local small businesses they will have a tremendous hell when they open up again IF they open up again. Every time you go out and voluntary take the risk to infect people it could mean another week in lockdown and a lot of businesses that go bankrupt and loads of jobs lost (maybe even your own) Ok so why this post. Well not really to tell you our opinion, but for something else. The power of the media I think this is the perfect opportunity to show you the “power” of us photographers. And I call upon ALL of you to help me out with this. This is a war that is not fought in our homes or in our stores, the real warriors are the doctors and people in healthcare. As long as they can do their job there will a lot of losses both in human life and economy but at least they are able to do something. If we the people just listen to common sense and stay away from crowds and limit social contacts. And even then they are fighting a gruesome war. That being said… the front line is there not in our shops. For days and weeks we have seen the news, shops that are totally empty, people that are killing each other over a roll of toilet paper etc. As long as you life in a country like ours there is no need to start preparing for world war IV….. this war has no enemies except the virus and the consequences. But the danger is that we can make it a terrible situation. By panicking and literally emptying stores and fighting over toiletpaper (?) we are making the situation a lot lot worse. But hey… when you read the newspapers and see the stores…. they are empty right? Well this morning I decided to make some images in our local AH, which is one of the larger stores in our home town and show you two different sides of the story. The panic side This morning I went to the local store to find this. OMG A bit of cropping could make this a lot worse, but I decided to not do that and just show the images straight out of my phone. However…. lets look really close. The reality Look at the products that are missing? Chips, Mayonaise, pizza and toilet paper (oh and the medicine department was almost empty) Not really the first things you think about to survive right? And let’s be fair these images look really really bad right? Perfect clickbait…. But let’s turn the camera around in that same area with all the empty spots with chips. all the candy stuff is almost gone but all the water, drinks etc…. all there, so don’t worry And look at the reflection here. This would be an awesome panic shot if I cropped that left part out, right? And let’s show some other images. Want fresh food, you know the stuff that actually protects you from the flu and other sicknesses. Yes, indeed it’s a bit more empty than normal, but panic? Well unless you really want that one taste of chips you’re outa luck, get over it buddy get some yoghurt instead, much better. And even for the payment they have a nice system. But this won’t be possible in all cities. You scan your groceries while shopping in an app. And when you’re done, you just go to the display and pay via NFC. Now again this can probably not be done in all stores because people will take advantage of it, but we live in a smaller community. Conclusion Now please don’t get me wrong. There will be cities, stores and countries where it’s a LOT more serious, but please also post images online where you show that there still is enough in the stores. This is already a crisis, but it will be a worldwide disaster if we keep spreading panic. In case you missed it. I’m 100% for a total lockdown in all countries until the healthcare tells us it’s ok to continue our lives. If they say it’s going to be 2 months, so be it. Nothing in money is worth a persons life. So please…. No lockdown parties No unnecessary risks. Think about the other people instead of yourself, please be kind to each other. And when we start again, please support your local dealers and shops, they are incredibly hard hit by this. And for your groceries…. Man I know it’s hard to not bulk up on food and drinks… everyone does it, but please please don’t overdo it. We bought for one week of food and supplies, not because we are afraid there won’t be anything left, but because we can also get sick and don’t want to go out then, but that’s the main reason. But bulking up on toilet paper….. please if you do this ask yourself WHY…..? Don’t make this crisis any worse than it already is, and look at the media second first at your local store, if the store is filled to the brim and people are relaxed don’t bulk up, if you see problems in certain areas…. think about yourself and your family of course, but if there is no need, please don’t create the need…. and this is probably already way too late, but still wanted to show you how photography and choosing the story and angles can tell a story totally differentlySeeing that a lot of people are stuck at home at the moment due to the #corona #covid_19 #virus we want to do something positive.And of course we are also hit by the measures so you get some cool discounts on my videos and you help us get thought this all.So on all my full length tutorials we now have a 50% discount.Go to Frankdoorhof.com/videos and /presets and use the discount code “goodluck” and you get the discount..