About technique and more.

A very quick light metering tip

A few days ago I got an email from someone who asked me “where to point the meter outside”.
The main reason he was confused because some people would say :

“Use the histogram and don’t get a meter”
Well I won’t even go into that one.


“Always aim towards to the camera”
This is wrong, I showed this in a video a while ago, and it’s easily explained.
When you aim towards the camera and move the light to the sides (but keep the distance the same to your subject) the meter will show different readings, but the light should stay the same due to the inverse square law, also the model will go up in brightness which is of course not correct, the quality/direction of light should change but not the brightness of your subjects skin.


“Always aim towards the light source”
This is what I teach people.
And in my opinion it’s the best way, by doing it this way you are metering the light hitting your subject and you will have a perfect/proper exposure on the area you meter your subject. HOWEVER having said that now comes the problem…

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The DOORhof is always open EP2

Today sees the official release of the second episode of our videopodcast “The DOORhof is always open”, this time the topic is modelphotography.
Feel free (and please do) to share the link to anyone you know, and if you want to participate please let me know.

How easy it can be….

One of the most asked questions must be the one of “How do you get creative”.
Well to be honest I don’t really know, I’ve been shooting people for quite some time now and somehow I just will wait for the location and somehow it hits me on the location what to do, so in new locations I’m actually never that worried…. this drives some people mad because when they ask me what I want to do I always answer “We will see when I’m there”, I do need some things of course like certain strobes but even with those I’m rather flexible. Maybe it’s because one of mottos is “Do it with what you have”.

So how about locations where you have shot many times before…
During my workshops I love certain setups, and although I’ve shot them many, many, many times I still want them to look fresh and interesting for the people that follow my work online, it would be rather boring to see the same shots over and over again.

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Dean Collins on digital

There are people that have a major impact on your life, your career, your way of thinking etc.
For me without any doubt this was Dean Collins.
The way he explains photography is something that really opened my eyes, however also the way he taught with loads of humor,  but stil being able to explain something that seems incredibly complicated into understandable pieces of information, making people realize that in fact when you know your lights there really is not much that can’t be done. Dean mostly worked in an age where digital was not there, however here is a video fragment where he talks about digital and I think that this contains some VITAL information and will make (hopefully) some people think.

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