Apple proraw Something a lot of people have been waiting for for years, being able to shoot raw natively and being able to get the most out of those “pro” cameras.
Of course first see it before having an opinion but my first impression is “what the…”
On video they blew me away. Maybe they even went too far on a smartphone. It’s literally insane (positive)
But than photowise No jump in resolution No raw files but appleproraw
So what is raw ? Raw is data straight from the sensor with minimal processing so the editor can work with the sensor data and do external noise reduction, color balance, sharpening etc etc (we all know how raw works)
When you read about apple raw it’s nothing like that. Apple hammers down it’s going to be an easy way to work with raw files without the “confusion” (open up Lightroom and tell me what’s confusion about the sliders)
What they do is embed noise reduction (big no-no), hdr, color balance (excuse me thats a vital part of raw) and the neural processing….. Also editing will be done in phone and later “maybe” externally via released sdk/api
In my honest opinion we are not talking about proraw but depending on what you can adjust (still not clear) it’s more a new version of tiff or at the most consumerraw.
Why not just use a container with all the data that apple things is important so we as “real pros” can later determine if we do the noise reductions “professionally” or leave it as apple think it should be done.
Do we all remember the problems with cameras that have weird jpg artifacts and that sometimes got fixed months later or never…. That’s why we love shooting raw. No problems with weird smearing because every spot of noise should be eliminated and oversharpening the mess it creates
Again before we can really judge it we have to see it. But in all honesty Apple proraw really sounds like a souped up tiff format.
What do you think ? And let me state that I am not an apple hater. I still use an iPad pro for pro work almost daily and owned all iphones and macbooks for years till i switched to Android and windows a few years ago. (Main reason…photography) Doorhof Doorhof2020-10-19 11:00:532020-10-19 07:22:31Pro raw or consumer raw
Solved my corrupting files issue on the iPad pro. And does make me worry for the future
Apple claims the iPad pro is a laptop “killer” and indeed you can do a lot on it. But apple…. Most people also want to get the stuff off their iPad into other machines. And no cloud doesn’t work in a hotel with 20-50gb per day. Also in the field without WiFi it just doesn’t work to make backups.
We need external drives.
After months of testing and getting way too many corrupt files I got a tip to try file browser for biz. Now I already have that app for batch renaming (also something apple doesn’t support)
So I tried it.
Copied everything via files and indeed corrupted video, half images etc. About 10% is corrupted. And this is repeatable. Also copying takes about 25 minutes.
After dropping the folder into file biz and connecting the USB drive copying was done in a staggering 10 minutes (excuse me) and…. Drum roll….. 100% correct. No corrupted files. No problems it just works….
Come on apple.
If you want people to spend such an amount of money on pro gear get your act together. My Android devices copy files back and forth without any corruption. And I can batch rename.
Well…. At least it’s solved now.
The story continues
So this morning I found the solution to slow copying and getting corrupt files. And the solution was actually not using “apple files” but a third party app (filebrowser biz).
So I thought “let’s create a video about this”
And after trying 8 times to upload I never got further than 20-25%. Tried chrome and safari even in mobile version.
You know the solution?
You’re not going to believe this.
Don’t use load from files but first copy the video to the filmrol and from there it’s now uploading and rendering on YT.
Apple what the heck is going on with files ?
It copies slow and corrupts files and I can’t upload to YT with it.
All problems seem to be pointing towards files
And seeing this is like the main component in iOS……
Anyway if you also run into that issue. Upload from filmrol instead of files.
For years I’ve been wanting to record this tutorial but never found the time. I could have done a shorter version but when I do release something I always want it to be as complete as possible.
So during the “lockdown” I decided it was time to create the tutorial you guys have been asking me for for years 🙂
After hours of recording and editing I’m proud to present my brand new tutorial about Photoshop and Lightroom.
In 7 hours and 30 minutes I take you through almost every trick and technique I know in Photoshop and Lightroom.
The tutorial is aimed at both the beginners and medium to advanced photographer/retoucher with information on the tools within Photoshop but also with tips for vintage looks, skin retouching, bringing pores back into overretouched skin, smoothing backgrounds, my favorite gear and plugins, quick tips and longer tips. It’s all there.
One might say we woke up in a “bad” sci-fi or horror movie. No more going outside for a lot of people, no more photoshoots, no more….. well in the Netherlands we are “happy” that at least we are not in a full 100% lockdown but still have some things we are allowed to do. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those protesters that believe the government is keeping us inside for other reasons. Trust me if they want the damage to the economy to be limited they will open up as soon as possible, if your country does not yet open up, don’t do it yourself, this is a virus we are fighting with each other not an enemy you can see.
So of course one of the things I miss most is doing photoshoots. I know some people still do it, but I think that’s irresponsible, you have to move to the location, there is a huge chance of infection during that travel or on location, if you do it in your studio you have to clean literally everything and they still don’t know for sure how long the virus will be active in a room where there is little to no ventilation, in fact they already know it can be spread via the HVAC system, so you might not infect yourself but maybe someone in that building. So just don’t take the risk.
To show you guys that you can do photoshoots even without leaving your home my friend Andy set up this special photoshoot (and all credits go to him for this).
Andy is a dear friend of us, but he lives app. 6000 miles away. So talk about keeping your distance. Andy is also a photographer, but also a good looking dude, so he came up with the idea to do a long distance photoshoot. And with todays technology this is of course very possible.
Our setup. During the lightsetup I switched between the small camera and the desktop. So for the shoot the desktop was large and for setting up the lights I switched the two cameras so I could clearly see what was going on.
So what did we do? Andy put his camera on a tripod and connected it to his laptop via a Tethertools cable of course. Thanks to Capture One I was able to switch between shooting modes, settings and very importantly live view (without live view forget about this).
One camera (from his laptop) we set up so I could see most of the room, this made it easy to see where the lights were placed and give directions to how to angle the lights. Of course Andy was able to do the metering and place the lights.
As soon as everything was setup I switched over to the live view mode inside of Capture One and posed Andy. Now to be honest when we started this shoot I didn’t expect it to go as smooth as it actually did. For the “meeting” software we used ZOOM, but you can also use Skype or any other software that supports both taking over someones desktop and using a camera at the same time. Zoom actually worked like a charm (this was my first time using Zoom).
When everything was set up correctly I could see Andy posing via the live view and getting the shadows right was easy. When I started this my initial idea was to just use flat lighting, this is easier to get a good shot, but when we saw how smooth the connection was we just immediately went for the more contrasty lighting. Now I have to add Andy was a real champ and stayed exactly the way that I told him, there is always a slight delay between shots and directions but in all honesty it felt almost instant, so this is without a doubt usable.
Now in real life I can make better shots, will experiment a bit more with different positions, fine tune the light, freak a bit more with flares etc. but I have to be honest for a remote shoot this was not only a boat load of fun (thanks buddy) but the results aren’t that bad either, in fact if you take more time for it (we did a session of 30 minutes) I think you could do some really cool stuff.
So what do you need? Make sure you connect your camera via USB to your laptop/tablet. Make sure you use software that can show you the live view of your camera, for example Capture One. Place one camera that can see the whole room and use this as the standard “webcam” Use software that is pretty solid in the connection and has the option to take over someone’s desktop, you have to have mouse control. The software you use to make the connection has to support also the option that both the desktop AND camera stay active Make sure the software makes it possible to see both the desktop and the extra camera
Now if you want to go fancy (and who doesn’t) You can use a dedicated videocamera and connect that to your desktop. We use a blackmagic HDMI to USB device for this and in our home studio a Magewell HDMI to USB device. Both do the same thing, they get a HDMI signal from your camera and convert it to something your desktop sees as an extra camera in “all” software. It replaces the often bad webcams and gives you more room to move it around and show the room.
And… well that’s about it. After the shoot Andy send the files to me and I retouched them to show you guys the results today.
There is one thing that was a bit more difficult than expected. In real life you see everything in 3D, in other words you see depth. On a screen this is highly reduced, this made setting up the accent light for example much more tricky than normal, but in the end we got one shot out of it, I wanted to play more with that but Andy’s room was pretty bright and small so the light scatter was very hard to control, so we opted for the more darker looks 🙂 Doorhof Doorhof2020-04-29 12:41:202020-04-29 12:41:56A distant modelshoot in a time of social/physical distancing
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