News about StudioFD, Frank Doorhof, and more.

Pictures magazine

Make sure to check out the German magazine “pictures” not only did I help with the cover but they also did an in-depth interview with me and feature some of my work, and on top of that it’s a very nice magazine with in-depth articles and very much information, highly recommended I think.

A cover is always nice but seeing it’s the first release makes it very special of course.
And the next release they will feature a great teacher and Photographer…. Scott Kelby.

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Wanna read something REALLY cool ?

A while a go I was approached by the guys from if I wanted to participate in a new project from Scott Kelby, and well if they ask you just know it’s gonna rock, so I said yes. Now today I can finally break the silence (and believe it’s been hard) because today you can download the brand new rocking “Light it” magazine from the iPad app store (more info at


Always wanted to know everything about lighting in the studio, on location and much more ?
You will LOVE the magazine.


Of course I’m a bit biased because I’m one of the writers for the magazine, but even if I wasn’t THIS is the kind of magazine I want on my iPad, navigation is simple, double click on the images and they are gorgeous full screen, and there even is video content, and everything is available offline (one of my preferences for a magazine), and the content ? well let’s put it this way normally there are one or two articles in a magazine from people I adore now you will have a magazine filled with the best instructors on the planet all writing about their passion and sharing their “secrets” with you. Here you can see the video from the introduction of the magazine.

Download Light It Magazine for the iPad

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A new book you just HAVE to read…. no really

Yesterday I got the new book by Matt Kloskowski about compositing.
I have to admit that I did maybe 2-3 composites during the last few years but I do love the look, however with a motto that sounds like “why fake it when you can create it!” I really can’t of course do composites……

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I love to shoot tethered, or in other words connected to a computer or laptop.
Even on location I try to shoot 100% tethered, unless it’s really not possible.
I hear you asking why ?

Well that’s very easy to explain :

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