My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.


I love to shoot tethered, or in other words connected to a computer or laptop.
Even on location I try to shoot 100% tethered, unless it’s really not possible.
I hear you asking why ?

Well that’s very easy to explain :

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Wacom Bamboo stylus

On Thursday I had a nice talk with Wacom Netherlands and we will be working together in the future (if all goes as planned), while we were talking my attention was drawn to the Wacom Bamboo stylus. I love using my iPad (as many of you guys) but the main problem for me was getting a good stylus which could be used to place signatures under our modelreleases (for which I use easyrelease and highly recommend this app), one great solution was the stylus sock which is a home made stylus “sock” and to be honest that works like a charm and I loved using it for some months now, but let’s be honest when Wacom makes something I’m always interested to test it out, so ………

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Videoclip YungC

I love to do videoclips and when Farell (YungC) asked me to do his new video I did not have to think long.
This was a rather hectic day of filming because we tried to do everything in one day.
In this blog post you can read all about it.

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I’m 100% fine…. the disadvantages of social media :-)

I’ve decided to make this blogpost due to something that happened with one of my tweets.

Our CAT Joey was diagnosed with cancer a few days ago and had a big lump in his neck.
In Emmeloord they almost gave up on him because it was at a very difficult location.
We decided to look for another vet who was specialized in this kind of cancer and we found one. Today Joey was operated on and the tumor was removed, there still is a lot of risk because it did spread but they removed some other “material” and gave him some radiation.

We love our pets and that’s why we could not just give up.
However I hardly tweet anything personal like this, but because some people already picked it up I decided to tweet that everything was done now and we had to wait. My tweet was :

“Cancer tumor removed let’s hope it has not spread. Has to stay a night and then comes home. Glad we did not give up and searched #cattrouble”


To be honest I really thought it was clear that it was about our cat (#cattrouble) but somehow people “panicked” and I got a lot of mails, some facebook responses and some twitter replies, so I immediately set the record straight but still I get mails, and really I love you all 😀 but I’m really 100% fine, as far as we know I’m in perfect health 😀


So thank you all for being so nice and sending messages, but please do read everything in a tweet before jumping to conclusions, to be honest this really has shocked me because I really don’t want people to worry about my health especially when there’s nothing going on, I hope that with this blog post it’s clear to all my visitors I’m 100% fine, there’s only a serious problem with Joey our CAT (we have two actually) so again please don’t worry.