My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Corine during workshop I

Last Saturday it was time for a workshop Studio Technique 1 with Model : Corine.
In this blogpost some of the images I shot during the workshop.

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Shooting in a zoo…

This Sunday we finally had some time to spend some time as a family and go somewhere, our son wanted to visit Artis (Amsterdam Zoo) so the decision was made very quickly. While walking through the Zoo I of course took some images, and to be honest it was never my intention to share them online in the blog, however I met some people struggling with taking images from the animals and of course I helped when possible and thought that it would be nice to maybe dedicate some space on the blog to the tips I find useful when shooting in the Zoo (or somewhere similar of course) and I think it will also nicely fit in line with the blog posts about composition and creativity.

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Composition, creativity etc. Part III

In Part III we look at some more images where we put elements together.
And do remember that you can “force” luck.

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Composition, creativity etc. Part II

Today the second part in this series about creative and composition.


I’m a strong advocate for making the composition in the camera, meaning I don’t believe you should crop later in Photoshop. There are of course exceptions but when you have the chance I think you should shoot the image the way you want it to be in the end results. During the Scott Kelby seminar in Amsterdam I shot several images from Corine and explained the difference between shooting in the portrait mode and landscape mode. For me personally the landscape modes creates much more interesting images and draw the viewer more into the image. However after the seminar I did receive a mail from one of the participants asking me why I threw away so many pixels and did not shoot my images with the model full screen, so let me explain …..
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