My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Some stories behind the faces

In the previous blog post you found some tips and tricks for street photography.
Today some of my favorite shots with a story attached.

Remember that these portraits are taken VERY quickly so are far from perfect.
Most of the times I take 2-3 shots and that’s it, you can take more time of course but for me part of the challenge is to nail it in a few shots max and let the subject go as quickly as possible, over time I will probably learn to take more time, because when looking back some of these could have been much better by taking maybe 1-2 minutes more. But hey, that’s what it’s all about (the learning process).

This shot I took during our trip over the Pacific Coast Highway.
I was actually shooting a VW with surfboard when the lifeguard approached me and asked me if I liked the car… well I did and we started to talk. Of course I asked him to pose for me for a quick portrait, and he did resulting in this image.

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Thank you Photokina

Time flies….
Photokina is already finished 🙁
It were two days with 3 demos per day at the Profot booth (Elinchrom), we got large crowds every time for the 45 minute “workshops” and the response from the public was overwhelming, in between the shows they planned a lot of free time but it felt like doing the shows back to back because there was so much interaction with the public. So thank you guys so very much and see you in 2 years at Photokina, but probably sooner somewhere else, we have great plans for next year including an UK tour and some workshops in France.


This is a promoshot Profot used and where you can see part of the crowd.


Good morning Photokina let’s go out :)

Good morning photokina.
Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate people personally but I do hate smoking, a bit because you often have to go (holding your breath) through a wall of smoke when leaving a hotel, building etc (all the people smoking outside) but most of all because some people will try to smoke in a hotel that is labelled NON SMOKING.


So at 7:30 this morning our iPhone gentle woke us up, and when we shut it off the smoke alarm went blaring, at first we thought something was wrong with the iPhone (annewieks iPhone has been playing up, time for me to get the 5, but I didn’t have anything to do with that ;))


So imaging me trying to lower the volume on the iPhone, almost hitting it before I put it to my ear and realizing there really was a smoke alarm, so throwing on some clothes, and running downstairs through the emergency staircase (and yes I’m afraid of heights and those suckers are scary) finding yourself in the center part of the hotel with a locked emergency exit, which after some work we managed to opened, after removing some overgrown plants (dangerous when there really would be a fire chasing you)
So we were all in front of the hotel police arrived, fire department, I hitting myself I left my camera in the room aaaaaaargh now I wish I left the Fuji next to my bed like +Zack Arias but that’s for the future.


Some jokes were flying like “so the new skyports are working ?”, “Yeah we had go and wanted you all together to say Bye”. And of course a lot of other stories, you know how it is when the smoke alarm goes off, right ?
Those are the days……….
Finally we found out it was someone in the room next to us who was smoking, on our way up we passed the firemen, one carrying a big hammer, I asked him If he hit the guy/women on the head with it…. Somehow he could not laugh 😉


Go figure.
Anyway we will be on time at photokina, and the first one that asks me if I smoke will get a free signed DVD today.

Some samples from Photokina

Teaching at Photokina is always fun, the crowds are large, and keeping them there for almost 45 minutes is always something that is a challenge, but also today it worked 😀 (thanks guys).


In this blogpost 4 of the shots I liked most from today.
Remember these are shot on a booth, so limited time, limited space.
Quick edits on my laptop, working with DxO for the looks.
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