Posing from ok to WOW
A lot of times when you look at images there is a lot of great stuff going on in the images, but most of the times there is also “something” missing, sometimes it’s expression but most often its something in the posing.
Most models will pose like they saw the girls do in “put your country here” next top model, or like they see in certain magazines. What often happens is that you will get images that are looking standard or “too” posed. Now don’t get me wrong there can be images that are “too” posed that rock, but I think you know what I mean 😀
As you probably know there are even books out there with 1001 poses, my opinion on these is that they are great to read and get ideas from, copying them is a bad idea, every model is different and also the clothing a model wears is very important for the poses that will or will not work. For example when we look at the images in this blog post the clothing in my opinion just screamed for these poses, it just fit.
What I always try to do is let the model pose freely, play around with the poses and only “push” towards better poses from a pose that I really like. Today some images from Nadine showing just this technique. These poses are without a doubt not “standard” maybe even according to some over the top, but they all happened by letting Nadine pose freely, without putting her into a pose and say “ok stay there, 1,2,3”, sometimes this will work but most of the times I find the more freely posing method much better.
So next time you do a shoot try to let the model just move and choose the poses you like and refine those, but keep shooting… it’s digital you can always delete the bad one.
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