My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Streetstyle from the UK

During our trip in the UK we did not have a lot of free time, but during the time we had I did try to shoot some images just for fun on the street.
Today a selection of my fav shots.

Mei 21 UK 2013  (127 of 180)-Edit Read more

The perfect model?

Today a very short blog post, but maybe one of the most useful for the model shooters among us.


During our trip to the UK Nadine and I were talking about what I look for in a model, the reason this conversation often comes up is because I strongly like my models a bit different than what you would expect. I don’t mean that my models are ugly or not normal, because I’m fortunate to work with a selection of absolutely stunning models, however just being stunning doesn’t cut it for me.
Stephanie 29 Juni 2011 - 0287 v2
During the conversation I tried to explain to Nadine what I was looking for and I think this quote says it all.


“A good model you can put in a location and she becomes that location, a not so good model you put in a location and she/he will be a model in a location. This is one of the reasons I guess why I also love to shoot with actresses and actors, they just know what a location needs. Let’s take for example a shoot we did in a graveyard a few years ago, the “normal” model would worry if her hair would be ok, if her makeup was ok while Stephanie (the model in that shoot) was thinking about the expression and poses that were needed to “blend” in with the location and make it believable”
Nadine 7 October 2012 -_-41-Edit

Read more

Two quick composites

During the workshop compositing it’s always hard work for me.
The challenge I put myself up to is to do the shoot AND the composites in max 25 minutes total.
During the workshop I share not only tips and tricks for Photoshop of course (although the workshop is very heavy on retouching) but also tips on “thinking ahead for the story”, “posing” and “coaching” of the model.


This time two images with Manon, all styling by the amazing Nadine.

Mei 23 2013 (164 of 162)

Mei 23 2013 (142 of 162)-Edit-Edit

Super Topaz deal

This is so cool…..
You know I’ve been raving about Topaz Clarity, it’s now part of my standard workflow (it rocks).


Now Topaz is running a great deal as a big promotion for their Bundle starting June 24th going through July 7th.  They are greatly discounting the Bundle from $299.99 to $199.99 during this time.



The promo code for this discount will be: july4

Surf here :
To get the software with the discount code !!!!
The plugins are great and for this price it’s a no-brainer I think.
lenaa 10917-Edit