My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

A movie that moved me

I love movies as probably most of you.
My favorite genre is horror, action and of course a good comedy.
However just before Christmas we watched a Dutch movie called “spijt” (regret)



Now why did this movie moved me so much I decided to dedicate blogpost to it…..

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2014 and some thoughts

It’s 2014 already, wow that went fast.

real image shot during one of these workshops.

real image shot during one of these workshops.

2013 was a year that will go into the books as life changing for us.
We sold our computer store to focus on the studio and the teaching, in the years before it became more and more difficult for us (especially Annewiek) to find the balance between working in IT and photography, meaning we would sometimes miss workshops abroad for the simple reason that we needed to be in the store, but in 2013 this is all history (a nice one but still).

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Some images from Loes

Today some images we shot during a workshop with Loes.

Loes December 21 2013-203-Edit

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Competition time

Just checked and my book “mastering the model shoot” is still going strong. It’s still in the top 10 and top 25 in most countries on amazon. Wow.


I also get a lot of cool shots of people showing the book which led me to a cool idea.
Take a picture of the book and tag me in it on facebook and Google + or Twitter and the best three (crossplatform) will win the complete light series digital download or live in Boston and New Jersey (which ever you want). However…… The shot has to be special of course ;). Can be a selfie for example. A collection of the best shots will also be featured on my blog.


So be creative 😉
End date will be January 30th
We changed the end date because we got a lot of mails from people who needed more time 😉