My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Don’t be afraid to go wide

Often you hear the question “what’s the best lens for….”
In my opinion there is not really a best allround lens…. it all depends on creativity, what you want and what you need.
In model photography often wide angles are labeled as “not done” and I can understand this, a wide angle distorts the image (if you’re not careful) and it’s not a lens that will be great for model separation from the background.


However having said that… the wide angle can be awesome for some special effect shots, for example lay on the floor and let the model jump very close to you and you can get some pretty funky stuff like this shot we did with Manon during the workshops in Studio76 this weekend.

Manon Februari 15 Eersel (13 of 41)-EditSo although people say “don’t” always try to find a solution in which you say “it will work”, this will make your work stand out from the crowd because somehow now a days a lot of people just believe what’s being told online and don’t even try it anymore, be smarter 😀


2 more images from Nadine

Today just 2 images to share from a recent workshop with Nadine.

Nadine Februari 7 2014 (65 of 297)-Edit

Nadine Februari 7 2014 (104 of 297)-Edit

Shoot into the light

Playing with light is always fun.
Most of the time people will however not include the light source, in my opinion including the light source can be very interesting, especially when you take of your sun hood (or even better use a cheap lens) which will get you some nice lens flares.


In todays post some images from a workshop I did with Nadine in which I shot straight into the light source for some more extreme lighting effects.

Nadine Februari 7 2014 (85 of 297)-Edit

Nadine Februari 7 2014 (94 of 297)-Edit

Light please…..

Light is our language, it’s what we use to tell our stories…..
Now there is always a lot of debate about which lights to use, what brand, what quality, what soft box etc.
In reality however light can be used from almost everything, as long as you understand what it does and how it behaves you can actually create the looks you want with…. well even a simple lightbulb.


During the workshop working on location we normally go outside (on location) but because of the predictable Dutch weather (meaning loads of rain that day) we decided to stay inside the studio and “mimic” a location. One of the things I show during this workshop is working with available light, so how did we solve this in the studio? well by using a very simple household lightbulb.


The next images are all shot with just that one single lightbulb.
So the next time you do a photoshoot don’t think that you need the most expensive gear, but play around with something simple, maybe something wonderful will come out.


Model/styling : Nadine

Nadine Februari 7 2014 (2 of 297)-Edit

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