My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Professional Imaging 2014

Oh man this is going to be an exciting month.
First up this weekend we are on the Professional Imaging 2014, after that Photoshop World Atlanta and a few weeks later the New York workshops, so you guys can expect a lot “on the road” type of shots and blog posts. But first things first.

Professional imaging 2014
March 29-30-31 Nijkerk the Netherlands

This is without a doubt my favorite show in the Netherlands, it’s a yearly show and I’ve been a participant for many years now including a speaking gig 2 years ago on the “big stage”. I have great memories connected to this show because it was actually the place where I met Scott Kelby for the first time but also where I always was demoing for Elinchrom on the Fotoflits booth.


Well this year everything is different for us (and the show).
First of all I will not be demoing for Fotoflits anymore, but we will be on our own booth, and it’s a big one so make sure to visit us. I will be demoing the new Elinchrom ELCs there with some crazy styling by Nadine, we will sign the books/DVDs if you have them with you (or you can get them from us). I will also be answering your questions almost non stop but hey… that’s just us.


This year I was also asked to help out with the speakers and do we have some in store for you.
The first names that popped into my head were both good friends of us and in my opinion at the moment the top in their field, and imaging my enthusiasm when both said “yes”, their names ?  well what do you think about Joe McNally and Glyn Dewis? Both will be teaching twice a day in the Adobe theater, Glyn will of course show many Photoshop tips and Joe will do a live demo and seminar every day (and you will see me assisting Joe… oh my), but wait there is more…. on some days there is also a Q&A at the end of the day where you can ask whatever you want.

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An easy pose

One of the poses I love to work, and especially with glamour, is a pose on the ground.
Choose a longer lens and a wider aperture and “pinpoint” light, for example a beauty dish with grid from pretty close by, some reflective or other nice material and everything is set for some interesting poses on the ground.


Depending on the body of the model the poses will have to be changed, personally I love to see more rounded lines, with the more plus sized models you can use oversized mens shirts to cover up the areas that the model wants and “shape” her body that way. Overall I always find these poses to be very pleasing and also work great with starting models.


Change your own position and move around your model to maximize the results.

Sheena Maart 14 2014  (68 of 88)-Edit

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Crazy weekend 50% discount on “Live in New Jersey : glamour with a fashion twist”

This must be one of my most extensive instructional videos, containing 2 Q&A sessions, several light setups, light meter usage explained, loads of attention for coaching the model and even the whole Photoshop process, all in over 3 hours of full 1080P HD quality shot with several cameras to show you the setups from different positions, the only thing better…. well is to be there your self.


This weekend we have a CRAZY weekend discount of (I kid you not) 50% on this video.
So don’t delay and order it now from :

Use the code “wow88” for the discount on checkout


Glamour workshop images

Today some images shot during a glamour workshop with Sheena.
Some images might be considered to be not so safe for work… but I think they are pretty ok (but don’t blame me).

Sheena Maart 14 2014  (25 of 88)-Edit

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