My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Bovey Castle

On day 2 of the UK tour we had the privilege to shoot in the stunning Bovey Castle.
There was one problem…. it was raining like crazy (I believe cats and dogs is an understatement) so after just one quick outside shot we had to move inside and created something special including a very nice mirror, now the real challenge was to hide a group of 20 people in a room that is seen with a camera through a bent mirror 😀


After the rain we did try one more outside shot which turned out pretty well luckily.

10 Juni 2014 Marie 0147 1

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Workshop day 1 Great Fosters

Today some images I shot during day 1 of the UK tour.
Location Great Fosters.


9 Juni 2014 Marie 0005 1

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Workshop Dusseldorf Germany

On June 28th I will be teaching a full day workshop in Dusseldorf Germany.
We have an amazing model and a really cool location.
This is the kind of workshop you really don’t want to miss, at the moment we have 4 tickets left so if you want to learn a lot more about model photography and want to ask all the questions you always were afraid to ask or did not get the answers to….. well this is your chance 😀

220px-Schloss_Mickeln,_Düsseldorf (1)


Surf to : for more information and reservations.




Expressions are cool….

Expressions are very important in our daily life, imaging talking to someone that shows no expression at all….. pffff terrible right?
Still I see a lot of photographs when I do portfolio reviews that show great lighting, awesome locations, great styling and makeup but they don’t work, they don’t trigger me… for the simple reason….. there is no expression.


For me it’s always a challenge to bring out expressions from my models that are special, a bit over the top, a bit provoking maybe but most of all they must make my viewer go like WOW. As you can see in the following two shots the background isn’t that interesting, but the wind and the expression of the model (plus pose) really make the images speak (well at least for me).



So next time you’re on a location of which you think “this is not that interesting” always remember that with some special coaching and a model that has some real expression/guts you can make it work.

Marie Juni 7 2014 aan boord s2 39

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