My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

A cardboard pallet

Sometimes props can be expensive and sometimes very cheap.
I always say “You have to see them, and imagine how to use them”.


It sounds strange but one of the best things you can do as a photographer is train yourself to see possibilities with normal every day things, like this cardboard pallet that came into our store, there was actually a projector on it, normally we throw away the pallet but in this case I kept it to use it in one of the workshops. As you can see you can do some fun stuff with very little investment.


Model : Anna Matthea
Dress : Nadine Stephan

Anna-Matthea  92 - December 12 2014

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The bigger fight

yesterday I heard a very good motto:
“It’s not how big the man is in a fight, it’s how big the fight is inside the man”


This is without a doubt a motto for almost everything but especially photography, often I hear people say “I can never do that”, or “I don’t have the gear for that”, but most of all “You shoot everything correct, I don’t”

Well let me first make a confession…. I shoot just as much junk as all of you, only I probably don’t show it, for me photography is a matter of going on till I get the shot.

Yesterday we did a session in Emmeloord I call “Fashion in Emmeloord” well ok not very creative, the model was surprised we were done in 10 minutes per locations, I told her very simply that if I get the shot I’m after I will continue for a few frames and then try a different angle or composition and continue to the next, there is no need to push through. I will use a maximum of 1-2 shots per location for my own portfolio so why shoot 10 killer shots while I can switch location.

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Free work with Nadine and Ian Part II

Today set 2 and 3 from the free work session with Nadine and Ian.
We mostly concentrated on playing a bit with characters, and of course just have some fun 😀


Nadine en Ian 103 - December 01 2014

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Free work with Nadine and Ian

Last week it was finally time for some free work with Nadine and Ian.
Today set 1.
A bit more vintage.


Nadine en Ian 31 - December 01 2014

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