My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.


Sometimes it happens that during family shoots you find someone that jumps out and you ask “Did you ever model?”
Most of the times the reaction is “No… do you think I could”, and sometimes “Yeah all the time” and anything in between.


This is how I found Jonathan, just a normal family portrait and a guy with no real camera experience, so I invited him over for a so called “testshoot”, today I share some of the results and I’m sure we are going to be seeing Jonathan more.


Jonathan Hoegen Januari 23 2015  0343 1

Jonathan Hoegen Januari 23 2015  0319

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One of the results from the glamour workshop

Today one of the images I shot from Lenaa during the glamour works a few days ago.

Lenaa  139 - January 17 2015

Black and white vs color and what shadows can do

I love to play with shadows.
But I also love it when shadows start playing a vital role in a shot, it’s something I always try to achieve but sometimes you’re very lucky.


Just a shadow behind the model can go two ways, it can be ugly or it can be nice, I often like it when it follows the contours (shape/curves) of the model, and I don’t like it if it’s just a “black blob”. However when you start really playing with shadows you can sometimes also create something a bit more surreal and story telling, for example is the shadow “helping” Lenaa here?

Lenaa  104 - January 17 2015kNow I did like the color version, but when I converted it to BW I really loved the final result.

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Trailer for Mastering the model shoot : the light meter

This week we released our new video called “Mastering the model shoot : the light meter”
If you did not already downloaded it because you were curious to see what kind of video it is?
Well here is the trailer, and if you have any questions feel free to ask.