My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

We got the new smokemachines available and they are awesome

Awesome portable smoke machines without breaking the bank

During a recent broadcast in our digital classroom I was playing with the new lensgo smoke machines.
These small smoke machines are great for product photography and via special adaptors (all in the box) the are even working great for model photography.

Normally we are using much larger smoke machines and although they are great for backgrounds they are not that good for adding subtile smoke effects or smoke in a specific place. The LensGo smokemachines are much more flexible and as you can see during the broadcast you can also add some local smoke effects like on a mirrorball for some mystical effects.

Because you can take the smokemachines with you in your photo bag and have smoke wherever you shoot I think everyone should have one…. so we decided to add them our webshop.

You can find the smokemachines and accessories on your webshop.
It will be the perfect holiday gift for a loved one (or yourself).

During the broadcast I’m showing the different accessoires, including the awesome “floating smoke”.
And of course you can see how I shot those images with Lois.

Orchideeën Hoeve in winterstyle

The Orchideeën Hoeve is a place very close to our studio/home where we often walk around with Chewie and of course always advise our foreign visitors to visit. It’s a wonderful and magical place all year through but in December it’s always very special.

Today in the blog no modelphotography but some images I took with my iPhone last night during a quick visit.
Hope you enjoy the impression.

Adding some color to totally change the look and feel

Adding a strobe with a gel can totally change the mood and feel of a shot. You can always turn it off to get totally different looks from the same set so the customer can choose 😉

Model : Nadine

First some without extra gel

Now let’s add a blue gel from the side. And play a bit with the angle under which the blue is aimed.

As you see, adding some color doesn’t only just give you more options for that shoot. But you can also use your backdrops in much more settings 😉

Adding some color is one of my favorite things to do

Using props

I love using props in sessions.
In this case a “fake” famous microphone and as you can see it adds a lot to the session. Not only because it looks nice. But also because the model can now do a lot more with Expression and poses.

But you don’t have to use a microphone of course.

How about a cool guitar for example

Or you can also use your strobes. In this case one of our geekoto strobes shot during a tradeshow

But of course you want to spice things up a bit.

Or use a spare camera

Almost anything you like you can use as a prop. So next time a model doesn’t know how to pose or hold her/his hands. Think about adding a prop 😉