My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.

Enhance expression with your lens

When asked what is your favorite lens for portraits I always seem to surprise people when I tell them “whatever I want to show”

Somehow people seem to think that for portraiture there it always one focal length that you love and stick with. However reality is different of course. 

Every focal length renders a person different and sometimes you want that classic look with a slightly shallow dof and nice “flat” look and you go for the 100mm but sometimes you also want a little bit more “depth” and you might opt for a 50mm. 


Sometimes it’s also really cool to use a wide angle and enhance a persons expression like in this shot. 

So the next time you shoot a portrait….

Experiment 😉

There are no rules 😉

Learn what every piece of gear does and grow in your trade/hobby and be able to add mood and power to your shots. 

Tip voor het automatisch aanmaken van de datum in Lightroom

In deze video een snelle tip voor het automatisch toevoegen van de datum aan een foto in Lightroom.

Een ideale manier van hernoemen als je bv een backup maakt van je iPhone en je niet door alle foto’s wil lopen voor de datum, deze optie maakt het zeer snel en makkelijk

How we messed up the Logitech MX master… QF Ep 88

The best mouse in the world?
Well I agree, but even the best devices in the world have a weak spot.

In this episode of Quite Frankly you see how we messed up the best mouse from Logitech.

Phottix Pro Tour 2016, Urbex Live Shoot by Frank Doorhof

The Dutch Phottix Pro Tour started in Nijmegen. In the old Honig (soup) factory Frank showed a few Phottix products and attendees could try the Phottix products themselves with amazing models styled by Nadine Stephan. Check out our schedule for the next stop in the Phottix pro tour 2017 or other workshops: