My blog, although I don’t see myself as a blogger but as a Photographer I will try to blog some interesting material during the weeks.
Expect at least 2 updates a week.


Today some images from Stefan, shot during his test session.


promo Aviodrome workshop 30 juni 2017 (DUTCH)

Deze foto’s hebben we gemaakt op de vorige workshop in Aviodrome, Lelystad. Op 30 juni geeft Frank daar weer een workshop. Doe je mee? Je leert veel over licht en over techniek, en je gaat natuurlijk zelf ook prachtige platen maken. Met model en styling van Nadine Stephan. Check voor inschrijven

iPhone with case on the Mavic Pro plus review QF Ep96

In todays episode we take a look at the amazing DJI Mavic Pro.

I show you how I use it and tell you what it’s strong (and weak) points are plus I’m showing you my favorite mode in a great location.

One of the things I didn’t like (and many with me) is the fact that your iPhone or other phone has to be out of the case (or use a very slim case), in this video I also show you an easy solution for this.

If you like what we do please subscribe and like the video, feel free to leave comments below.

Those awesome lumecubes

When they asked me to test the lumecubes, my first response was “not really my thing, but I’ll look at it, sure”.
Never could I have imagined how much I would love these little miracles.
Now let me first explain why I was not over the moon about the idea of the lumecubes.

There are many small led lights, and in all honesty I tried a few and was always disappointed, they never were bright enough or if they were they were larger than what I wanted, so I could just bring a smaller led panel myself. The lumecubes, in short are awesome and you see them popping up during workshops and shoots a lot lately. And the fun thing is that many of the attendees of the workshops…. now also own some of them 😀

Today some of the images I shot with the lumecubes over the past few weeks, and a link to my review/instructional video on the lumecubes.
The video : 

Did you do something cool with the Lumecubes, post your images/video below.