Entries by Frank Doorhof

Meeting with Rick Sammon and shooting….

Some people you meet and you know immediately they are “real”, Photographer Rick Sammon is one of those people. We met up at Photoshop World in Orlando and there was an immediate “click” we both are passionate about what we do and also in our approach to teaching there are many topics we think the same about. […]

Results castle workshop

Because this was a glamour workshop, some images might be considered not safe for work. On April 16th 2011 I taught a workshop in Duffel Belgium. The idea behind the workshop to teach a small group of 12 students to see the options to change the available light to fit the idea you have in […]

Castle workshop Belgium

Today it was time for the castle workshop in Duffel Belgium. Later this week I will write an article about the workshop with some techniques explained, but that is better done when I’ve retouched the images. We’ve just arrived back home and I already did the selection and there are some nice images there, so […]