Entries by Frank Doorhof

Day 2 Professional Imaging 2011

Today it was the second day of the Professional Imaging 2011. Were in previous years this was a slow day it was now as busy as probably last years busiest day, this year must break all records. The atmosphere is great and the seminars are great, I greatly enjoyed myself today with some hilarious moments […]

Day 1 Professional imaging

First day of the Professional imaging is always very busy, but this year…. Oh my.. they had to open a few minutes earlier because it was too busy outside, I never heard that before, and I know why… Matt Kloskowski openend the day with a wonderful keynote about compositing where he shot a model and […]

Pre show day Professional imaging 2011

Today it was time to build the booth and to check some final things for the show which will start tomorrow. We met up with Matt which was loads of fun and he will have an AWESOME keynote, really you don’t want to miss this. We did a small backstage video from the booth which […]