Entries by Frank Doorhof

New York

New York, somehow this city has a weird attraction on me. I strongly believe that I could spend months over there and just only do street photography and never would be bored. We visited New York a few years ago for a workshop and we spend over a week there and to be honest it […]

Final images USA

The last few days I’ve been posting some material shot during our 2 weeks stay in the US, today the final images that I like but were not fit for the other posts. They are just holiday snaps but I think worthwhile for the blog. Most were shot in locations we found while driving from […]

Philadelphia Penitentiary

During Photoshop World I mentioned my love for abandoned buildings and got the tip to check out the Philadelphia Penitentiary, thanks to the tips I got from Cliff Mautner I decided to check out the Penitentiary and take the tour. The Philadelphia Penitentiary is in fact open for the public and is without a doubt a sight […]

Abandoned places

As a photographer it’s no secret that we love weird strange places to shoot, and my favorites are without abandoned places. In the Netherlands they are somehow hard to find, but you can find some if you look. So when I’m on a trip I will always try to find some on route. Because we […]