Entries by Frank Doorhof

The DOORhof is always open EP4

This weekend I released “The DOORhof is always open” Episode 4. In this second (and previous released first) part of the PhotoshopWorld Las Vegas tips/tricks episode I interviewed several of my friends/instructors at PSW and combined them in this 2 part episode. So today the final part of this series. You can find it on […]

Guestblog on color

Today we have a very special guestblog by Martin de Bouter. He is specialized in color, something where without a doubt my heart is, and is often forgotten by many starting/pro photographers. So I think this blogpost will be a very interesting read for many.   Back in the old days First let me introduce […]

Some soccer images

As many of you already know I love to shoot sports, however due to time I hardly have had time for it the last few months, because I took a small rest break after PhotoshopWorld and before Photokina I finally had some time to visit our local soccer team SCE and took some quick shots […]