Entries by Frank Doorhof

Christmas 2013

It’s been a crazy year, loads of highlights and of course also some dark spots, but overal we are very happy with 2013. In 2013 our life was turned up side down by selling our computer store to get Annewiek full time into the studio and assisting me, but also making it possible to travel […]

Going the extra mile….

We all know the feeling, it’s hot, you’re tired but you still want to make the shot right? Well in most cases people will decide to just take the shot, get a cold drink and move on, but I think sometimes you just have to go that extra “mile”, in this case it was hardly […]

Opening exposition Groningen

In December gallery Lightzone in Groningen is the host of a very special exposition of my work called “the 2 faces of Frank Doorhof”. In this exposition you will see some of my favorite shots I took during our travels but also my favorite model photography shots, so it’s really a mixed exposition in styles, […]