New images Stephanie

Today some new images from Stephanie.
They were shot during a 3 day 1:1 workshops we did last week, other images will follow.
During the 1:1’s the program is always very flexible, meaning the students determines what we shoot (he/she learns), this often leads to exciting and different images like you will see in the following days 🙂

This shirt has a special story….
It was given to me during my pre-con workshop in Washington DC because I inspired the photographer to start using shadows, now what a better tribute to the shirt than to use it in some shoots, and this is the first one 🙂

What you probably already read on Google+ and the blog is that I’ve been using the Fujifilm X10 Digital Camera (Black) the last few shoots as second camera, of course it’s a huge difference between my Medium format camera and the Fujifilm X10 Digital Camera (Black), but I have to admit that I’m blown away with what this camera can do, and I think it’s always refreshing to take the opportunity to show people that they don’t have to feel limited because they “only” shoot with a Canon rebel etc. it’s really not the camera that makes the shot……

The coming weeks/months you will probably see some more X10 images coming by.

6 replies
  1. jthaney
    jthaney says:

    Typical Frank Doorhof photography…Brilliant!  You can’t decide which is more stunning, the truly beautiful model, or the exquisite composition and use of light and shadow by FD!  I shall have to have a cigar and a coffee, and just study the images some more to see if there is a definitive answer to the question all while trying to telepathically get into Herr Doorhof’s genius mind.

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