Funky in Red

Today a single shot called funky in Red.
As you know I’m a strong advocate for making shots look “different”, finding your own “voice” in photography is maybe the most important tip I can give you. And this does not always mean just adding a “magic” Photoshop created look (although that helps according to most :-)), but it’s also a way of looking at scenes.



For me personally I love it when a shot is a bit off beat, meaning you look at it and go “hummm I wonder if that is supposed to be worn together, but I like it”. For me finding those “weird” combination is part of the fun and it triggers me to go even a step further the next time. Sometimes it will take some time to convince your model however. Like for instance in this shot the model brought a wonderful and nice gala dress, however when I saw the sneakers and the headphones I wanted to put them together in the shot…. “no it will never look right”, “trust me it will” well that conversation took some time and finally she did it, for me personally I love this shot a lot more than just a standard “gala like” shot with just the dress.

1 reply
  1. Jorge Vieira
    Jorge Vieira says:

    Hi, I like very much this shot specially the colours’ harmony which I feel for me to be very important. I would like to point the shots you took and sent on March 19th  ” from the mainstage ” where in my modest opinion the blue colour just it was not there as part of the harmony and beauty of the shots and let me tell you that blue or blues play the same notes which I like lot. Just an opinion.

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