Tag Archive for: tip

Just between two walls

“My studio is not big enough”
“I can’t shoot full bodies because….”


Well we all heard the excuses, or maybe even used them ourselves.
In reality however it’s often much less dramatic than one might think, often it’s just a matter of being creative with the area you have available, don’t just think about shooting full bodies (or whatever) against seamless where you have to have the model 2-3 mtrs from the background (although close to the seamless can be very interesting as I will show in another blog post), but think about what you can do with small spaces, and trust me, often the smaller the space the more interesting it can get.


In these shots I shot the model in between two walls in our studio, it’s just a small area where we normally walk on the stage, it’s tight and not really an area where you would think you would shoot, but when we prepared the studio with walls I did let the painters paint the walls because I thought I saw the potential… 😀 in the end it indeed is one of my favorite spots.


Roosmarijn Mei 22 2014  (57 of 155)-Edit-Edit

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Aimed light

One of the most difficult things to do is really aiming your light.
In a lot of workshops you will see big soft boxes aimed at the model from a moderate distance, this is of course very understandable for the simple reason that in fact you really can’t go wrong…. however the resulting image is often “a bit flat” and not that interesting lighting wise.


A next step is using smaller light sources like striplights or for example a beauty dish with grid.
For example in this shot I used a small striplight.

Roosmarijn Mei 22 2014  (73 of 155)-Edit

It can get way more interesting however when we start lighting our model from the back and creating a very dark front. Now normally one would let the model look upward to catch some light, but often that doesn’t really result in the image you want, a model looking towards the camera always has a little bit more….. connection, especially with glamour.


In the next shot I used a beauty dish from the back and lit the models face with a very small light source, in this case a snoot with grid.

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At a bit of spice to a shoot with sunglasses

Often I’m asked “What to do to spice up a shoot”
Well you can a lot of things of course, but one thing that I always find fun and can really add a little bit of an edge to a session is let the model play with sunglasses.


During a workshop with Sharon we added this little accessory and played with it.


Sharon Mei 17 2014 (56 of 121)-Edit-Edit

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Bring that tripod…..

Yeah we all know that feeling.
Always you bring your tripod and never use it… and than that one time you did not bring it….. you want to do some night shooting.
Luckily I could borrow one from our friends at Capture Integration in Atlanta but otherwise I would have missed these shots.
So the next time… well just bring the bloody thing.
I think I’m gonna look for a carbon fiber one, at least it’s not that heavy.

April 10 2014 -140-Edit

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