Tag Archive for: studio

Some more from Carmen

Today some of my favorite shots from the workshop we did with Carmen last week, I already shared the X100 shots, but I also loved these, and these were shot with the Leaf Aptus, light : one Elinchrom Quadra

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New images Gwendolyn

Today some new images I shot during a workshop last week with Gwendolyn.

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Working with backgrounds in the studio

Ok I promised to to blog till Monday, but hey…..

I decided to do an in between blog post about some of the questions that were asked in the last few days, so let’s go.

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Using a light source in many ways, the Elinchrom 1.90 octa.

Some light sources can be used in many different ways, I’m an Elinchrom shooter and the two light sources I love most are the Deep Octa and the 1.90 Octa. With the Deep Octa it’s very clear you can use it in many different ways due to the way it has been build/designed by Elinchrom. You can remove the front material, the center diffuser, use deflectors etc. etc. however with the 1.90 octa there is often some more confusion and a lot of people think it can only be used to mimic window light, they are wrong….

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